have you found Nile inspirational?

Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
not really, i've been always intrigued by Egyptian history and greek mythology as well but do I love Nile? yes I do:D

Same here :D
I dislike most of the death metal bunch, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, etc., but I downloaded a Nile song from the new disc called "Unas, Slayer of the Gods."

Wow, I was completely beside myself after hearing it, especially when all that chaos going on fades out, and that eerie Egyptian acoustic theme kicks back in, and when it turned again into a march-like passage, I swear I had visions in my head of these enemies of Unas being led out to be sacrificed.

I didn't find it particularly inspirational, but damn, imagery like that has gotta be a tough thing to pull off.