Have you met any of the members?

Wow that's not creepy at all...

Not in the slightest :P It's hard to know how you'd react until it actually happened though :P I'd try to play it cool though in all seriousness, although I'd most likely feel like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, as this is the one and only chance I'd to have at that moment... Blind panic might take over, but I'm sure it'd work out ok...

*Still has visions of holding onto legs*
I'd be quite the opposite, especially since I've never met any of my metal heroes... I think they'd need to spray me with a water cannon to get me off, I'd cling to their leg and refuse to let go until they spoke to me, got their photo taken with me and maybe even gave me an autograph :P I'd also tell them how awesome they were and sound like a complete twat :notworthy: - Excitement does that to some people you know ^_^ :rock:

I will certainly send the message to Olli to bring a water cannon with him just in case.
Fenrisúlfr;7743055 said:
I will certainly send the message to Olli to bring a water cannon with him just in case.

Tell him not to forget the axe...from what I've seen, he could do with it sometimes.

This is where I should be saying that my never having spoken to any of them is due to shyness/overawedness etc etc, but the honest truth is I didn't feel the need when i did see them :erk:

Thraxas and I did go on a very brief and extremely half-assed hunt for them after the Manchester gig, but got sidetracked by real ale and finding our rather drunken way back to the coach station (Manchester's a nice place and all that, but it doesn't contain my bed). In short, we didn't find them, but we did find more than enough very good beer to ensure we didn't care overmuch :lol:
You lasted a few? I think I got as far as KRO2 before deciding the contents of my glass were far more important than finding funny little drunken Finnish men.

In our joint defence, it wasn't just any beer, it was one of the better selections I've stumbled across in a long while (including Bombardier/Wainwright/Timothy Taylor), and in the feckin' KROBAR of all places. I may have to revise my otherwise rather negative opinion of big open-plan bars with trendy beergardens and enough fluorescent lighting per sq ft to challenge Blackpool illuminations.

Poky little real ale pubs with smoking areas the size of a hanky still win out though :Smug:
Oh yeah, little back-street real ale pubs that look like they haven't seen an interior designer in well over half a century are definitely the best, but there's a certain unexpected delight in being dragged into what looks like some trendy studenty keg-beer nightmare of a bar like the KROBAR and finding a pretty damn good selection of real ales. Especially when said selection includes Timothy Taylors Landlord, surely one of the finest ales known to mankind!

So, yeah, in conclusion, neither me nor Vikingess have met any members of the band. Although she seemed to be fairly sure that we walked past them in a chip shop at one point.
It was Warlord and Tude in the chippy if I remember correctly. At least I think it was. Unnervingly, Warlord seemed to recognise me before I recognised him...which is odd to say the least because unless he's been doing some serious detective work, he shouldn't have the foggiest idea what I look like :erk:

And I still suspect the little-blonde-dude-in-a-hurry that nearly ran me over was, in fact, Olli.
If I met them (knowing it was them without the warpaint) I'd most likely nod or wave my hand and smile at them from a distance. Nothing to do with shyness, just don't want to disturb anyone...

This comes form a dude who went shopping with Ensiferum lol.
Or actually Ensiferum and my mate and I both were way to early for their gig and both groups decided seperately to go to a nearby metal store. It was pretty awkward because the band was looking at us and not as much the other way round lol.

Then during the show we were up front and they seemed to be like 'fuck, we know those 2 dudes' at the very beginning :P pretty funny.

I see a likewise scenario happening for Turisas aswell lol.
Now there's an idea Olli, next time anyone gets a bit boisterous, just sneeze and cough at them! :lol:

See, some people can be so thoughtful, Pedro on the otherhand "Hi Lettiss COUGHBLARRRRG. Sorry I have flu."

I was in bed for 2 weeks.

Andreas, if they obviously look like they're not doing anything then just walk upto them and said "HAAAAI" and continue with something like "YOUR BAND IS THE WICKTON" or "OH MY GOD YOU'RE WEARING A HAT" (even if they arn't) or "I HAVE ALL YOUR CDS...BECAUSE I BROKE INTO YOUR HOUSE EARLIER"

I can't guarantee any of them will work, but they HAVE worked. If you treat bands like rockstars they'll either get an ego or feel a bit lonely, and we don't want that happening do we? So attack them with attention, but nicely.
I can't guarantee any of them will work, but they HAVE worked. If you treat bands like rockstars they'll either get an ego or feel a bit lonely, and we don't want that happening do we? So attack them with attention, but nicely.

See I've seen that from both sides. I've seen SpeedTheory feeling lonely at big gigs because they can't go to the loo without being jumped on, but I've also seen bands get the mother of all egos the same way.

That's part of why I don't feel any need to talk to Turisas...if they're the lonely end of the spectrum, there are other people that'll talk to them, and if they're the ego end of the spectrum, I don't want to know anyway :lol:
First time I met Dragonforce:

Dom (my friend): Katie, you're good at meeting bands, get me to meet Turisas!
Me: ok
*walk around back of venue* me: oh look there they are
Lisko: You were at the front weren't you?
haha i was rather pissed off earlier because i was supposed to see an irish folk band tonight. but i was told my lift wouldnt take me because of the snow. normally i love snow. tonight i fucking hate it!!!!!

but... on the other hand i have guiness :p so im ok hahaha. hows you?