Nah, i prefer to post blindly without thinking about what i'm going to say. works out better for me in the long run.
But seriously you're right. The album was not supposed to be leaked. Now, kindly point out one album from a band with any name in the metal scene that doesn't leak about a month before its release. It's not "supposed" to happen, but then you'd be living in Kenneth's boner stroking dream world if you believe that to be the reality of the situation.
And if things went through as planned and we had no album info and leak, what difference would it make in your day to day life? I'm being completley serious. What does it matter? If they have a plan, that's not "treating the fans like shit". Again, i'll restate that the management really screwed the pooch on this one IMO, but what does that matter? Yeah, i think things were handled poorly and this whole release has been a comedy of errors. Still doesn't change the fact that the album will come when it comes, anticipation will still peak at album release.
Also, stop the bullshit attitude that the album wouldn't have been leaked had the fucking tracklisting been released a month earlier. That makes me lol.
and i'm not going to quote it, but ayreon guardian... it's your dumbass accusations that give you no credibility in my, or many of the rest of our, eyes. I'm sure you've got your fanclub and all backing you up and i think that's really cute, but as long as your here, your attitude is dead fuck wrong.