Heathen Crusade ... go attend it or die ...

Sorry about the non-existent coat check too. The owner of the club said he'd have one, but never got it set up in time. I should have handled that myself.
Tomasz said:

What was the final number of tix sold if you don't mind me asking.....and of those how many were walk-ups?

We ended up with about 430 tix sold. 240 of those were presales. Did not break even, but oh well. Still had fun.
We have HEATHEN CRUSADE Festival T-Shirts leftover. So if anyone wants a shirt (small, medium, large, x-large) you can send payment via Paypal to kris@kupshi.com. The shirts are $15 plus $4.20 for priority mail shipping.

There is a direct Paypal link on the main page at http://www.heathencrusade.com

Or send cash or money order via snail mail to:

Kris Kubsch
2300 W San Angelo St. #2061
Gilbert AZ 85233

Well what the fuck did you think? You are at a viking-themed fest, so people who are into that sorta thing attended.

Thats like saying people who wear basketball jersey's at a basketball game just do it for the fashion.