Heathen Crusade II Update! Band Announcements!

im genuinely curious about these other bands, but ill wait to see them live. rudra, manegarm and skyforger. give 'em all long sets.

2 day fest!
JayKeeley said:
Let's face it, it's all about Rudra right now. The fact that HC got these guys all the way from Singapore, and they're so deep underground. Fully deserved I say.
I'm really surpised how many smaller, lesser known acts they're flying over.


Note - when I say "smaller, lesser known acts" I'm speaking relative to the scene
I agree Zod.

@Mister Mayhem -- as far as I'm concerned, you can increase ticket prices with my blessing. I see it as all of us investing in future shows.
Rudra must be covering, at least partially, part of that trip.

Tickets from Singapore are usually, double, if not triple than from mainland Europe
JayKeeley said:
@Mister Mayhem -- as far as I'm concerned, you can increase ticket prices with my blessing. I see it as all of us investing in future shows.
Ditto. Given that a good portion of your audience is willing to fly and book hotel rooms to see this show, $25 for a ticket seems low. If you doubled your ticket price, your head count might drop by 50 people, but you'd be much better off financially and the likelihood of this festival continuing would increase.:kickass:

General Zod said:
Ditto. Given that a good portion of your audience is willing to fly and book hotel rooms to see this show, $25 for a ticket seems low. If you doubled your ticket price, your head count might drop by 50 people, but you'd be much better off financially and the likelihood of this festival continuing would increase.:kickass:

now i cannot and will not be going to this so i don't care about ticket prices but $50 seems pretty steep to me... i realize that they're flying in bands from overseas but still, compare $50 for this 2 day maybe 10 band event to for example party-san (28 bands, 3 days, about $40) or wacken (40+ bands probably, 3 days, like $60) and yeah it just seems like a lot to me
Erik said:
now i cannot and will not be going to this so i don't care about ticket prices but $50 seems pretty steep to me... i realize that they're flying in bands from overseas but still, compare $50 for this 2 day maybe 10 band event to for example party-san (28 bands, 3 days, about $40) or wacken (40+ bands probably, 3 days, like $60) and yeah it just seems like a lot to me
I understand what you're saying, but I think you need to compare this to festivals in the U.S. Much of a tickets cost revolves around what it costs to bring a band in. Flying bands to the US is obviously more expensive. ProgPower, for example, is $100 for ten bands.

General Zod said:
I understand what you're saying, but I think you need to compare this to festivals in the U.S. Much of a tickets cost revolves around what it costs to bring a band in. Flying bands to the US is obviously more expensive. ProgPower, for example, is $100 for ten bands.

well ok but remember that on the other side of the coin, wacken and such do have a lot of US bands... though i guess it's par for the course for most larger US bands to do "europe summer festivals" tour more often than not
a big factor is also the amount of people a venue can hold ...
euro fest are all outdoors ... so they can hold thousands ...

this bar in MN holds 1000 max if I am not mistaken ...
lurch70 said:
this bar in MN holds 1000 max if I am not mistaken ...

if you include the ascot room, it's probably a bit more. but yeah, probably around that.

listening to Rudra right now and they are going to rock the shit out of the place. i want to go. :kickass:
We have not set ticket prices yet because we are still waiting to find out if we are doing a 2 day or not. I expect we'll have that all resolved and set around the end of this month.

But I will say that the price will go up a little. We made the price pretty cheap last year ($25 advance / $30 door) as a way to generate interest in an unknown, unproven Fest. But we will have to raise it a little this year.

But let me say we are not doing it to make a profit!! We'll be happy if we can break even, something we did NOT do last year, not even close! But I figured we wouldn't so I didn't care.

I think it is a little unfair to compare the Heathen Crusade to some of the Fests in Europe. I have been to many of them. Take Wacken as an example, tickets are like 75 euro which is about $95 for the 2.5 days. Not a bad price, but they have 40,000+ attendees, a ton of sponsors, vendors, etc... Their economics are totally different than our little US Fest with 500 people. And I agree that Party San is a smoking deal at about 40 euro for 2.5 days. But they still have many thousands of people who attend and only bring a couple bands from overseas (outside europe).

I love Party San, I was there this year and it is one of the best run Fests I have ever been to along with the Arnhem Metal Meeting.