Heathen Crusade II Update! Band Announcements!

Erik said:
oh man they've went up a fair lot in the past couple of years then

Yeah, last year they were 75 euro. Not sure about this year as I did not go, but it was at least 75 from what I remember seeing. The first year (2003) I went they were 60 euro I think.
lurch70 said:
Rudra must be covering, at least partially, part of that trip.

Tickets from Singapore are usually, double, if not triple than from mainland Europe

Slightly off-topic (as this band would make an ideal future HC addition): Why didn't anyone tell me there was a new Melechesh album on the way? Found out through a link on Rudra's myspace (listened to one of their tracks, at first I thought WTF but it got much more interesting), and the song posted there kills.
I'll be there, unless I study abroad in Sweden, then that would be impossible for me to go..............either way I'm cool with it.
Dark One said:
4 Gwynbleidd songs are streaming on their Myspace site:


EDIT - :kickass: :kickass:

You guys have outstanding taste.

Duders ... I went to see these guys tonight in Brooklyn ... I mean, I just heard them for the first time last night and went to see them tonight.

They are a bit green onstage but tighter than my sister Svetlana's anus. Fucking RULED !!! :kickass: ... they are 4 Polish guys ... really pro looking. The singer/guitar player, Mateush, I believe is a dead ringer for NAD!

Spoke with him and the drummer, who is this older guy ... reminded me of Davide Provosian from Ephel Duath and he just destroyed those skins.

Anyway ... I told these fuckers to come by RC ... and about HC ... the singer was literally shocked that I knew about it.

Anyway ... I am hamzerereds on just 3 IPa'szzz ... did not eat shit since 3pm
lurch70 said:
Duders ... I went to see these guys tonight in Brooklyn ... I mean, I just heard them for the first time last night and went to see them tonight.

They are a bit green onstage but tighter than my sister Svetlana's anus. Fucking RULED !!! :kickass: ... they are 4 Polish guys ... really pro looking. The singer/guitar player, Mateush, I believe is a dead ringer for NAD!

Spoke with him and the drummer, who is this older guy ... reminded me of Davide Provosian from Ephel Duath and he just destroyed those skins.

Anyway ... I told these fuckers to come by RC ... and about HC ... the singer was literally hocked that I knew about it.

Anyway ... I am hamzerereds on just 3 IPa'szzz ... did not eat shit since 3pm

That is so cool Aurel - what great timing huh? :kickass: :kickass:
Reign in Acai said:
P.S Post a pic of Svetlana

Reign in Acai said:
Lurch, you're a fucking great great human. Are you going to HC my dearest comrade?

P.S Post a pic of Svetlana

not sure, but it is looking very tempting. more for the hangout than anything else.

oh yeah ...

So Skyforger is basically clean'ish vocals sung in Latvian. Reminds me of Temnozor. Not so good IMO. Sounds like some drunkard at Borat's wedding.