Heaviest Song Ever!

Judas Priest - Dissident Aggressor

Slayer - the album Show No Mercy. I can't pick just one song. They're all fast and pretty damn heavy at the same time.

Black Sabbath - well, most of the stuff they did with Ozzy, and occasional songs afterwards (Zero the Hero, for example.)
Necros Christos - Black Mass Desecration
Demigod - Transmigration Beyond Eternities
Skinny Puppy - Knowhere?

Seriously, listen to it in it's entirety really loud. It's heavy, incredibly heavy.

I'd also have to go with some Nile...maybe Sarcophagus? Gorgoroth's Wound Upon Wound is also heavy, though much faster.
I posted in this thread but I'm too lazy to go look at what I posted so here's some new ones:

Suffocation - Synthetically Revived
Suffocation - Brood Of Hatred

The first time I listened to Brood Of Hatred on a decent car system I almost jizzed. Those "bass drops" or whatever they are, were so incredibly heavy. The car I was in shook like an earthquake.
I posted in this thread but I'm too lazy to go look at what I posted so here's some new ones:

Suffocation - Synthetically Revived
Suffocation - Brood Of Hatred

The first time I listened to Brood Of Hatred on a decent car system I almost jizzed. Those "bass drops" or whatever they are, were so incredibly heavy. The car I was in shook like an earthquake.

Brood Of Hatred is pretty heavy, although I'd say Pierced From Within is heavier.
Either this:

Or this:

That song is awesome. Maybe not heavy as in Gorepoflesh or Mortician, but heavy as in pretty fucking awesome.
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I still think Live Swans during the 80s is the heaviest thing I've ever heard.

When the riff comes in around 2:15 it is absolutely earth shattering. Its like watching an atomic bomb go off.
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I still think Live Swans during the 80s is the heaviest thing I've ever heard.

When the riff comes in around 2:15 it is absolutely earth shattering. Its like watching an atomic bomb go off.

what about the Melvins live? I mean 2 drum kits? I don't think anything tops that in terms of a live performance. recordings dont always do them much justice
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