Heavy Bands


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
Which heavy bands do you like? Here's my list:

Opeth (some things, not all)
Soilwork (some things too)
Cynic (although it's not that heavy..)

Post your preferences..
Dimmu Borgir
dimmu borgir
god dethroned
dimmu borgir
iced earth
did i mention dimmu borgir?
old man's child
oh... forgot... dimmu borgir.
Come on man.. Dimmu ain't that good. I don't see all the hype. They're allright.. Saw em live twice and didn't really enjoy it either time. My favorite Dimmu songs are both covers.

Just felt like starting some shit for no good reason :Spin:
Children of Bodom
Strapping Young Lad (from the short amount I've heard, i liked:p)
Suffocation (see above, heard little, liked alot)
Nile (can you say bru-tal)
*Some* Cryptopsy (now this is really fuckin heavy)
*Some* Morbid Angel
Soilwork (only Natural Born Chaos....sorta some of Fig. No Five)
Childrem of Bodom
Iced Earth
Dir en grey (japanese band, have a very wide range of sounds but newest album has a lot of very heavy almost thrash like songs)
Oh man, how wrong you are. Dimmu is all that is man. Dimmu ruled your ass both times you saw them live, you just were so mystified by the ass-kickage that you didn't even realize how awesome they were. Just thought i should let you know...

But seriously, dimmu is the one band that consistantly delivers. They are really kick ass, and pretty much all their music is awesome. By the way, out of curiousity, i was wondering what covers you liked. Please don't say you liked that twisted sister cover...
theodyssey said:
Oh man, how wrong you are. Dimmu is all that is man. Dimmu ruled your ass both times you saw them live, you just were so mystified by the ass-kickage that you didn't even realize how awesome they were. Just thought i should let you know...

But seriously, dimmu is the one band that consistantly delivers. They are really kick ass, and pretty much all their music is awesome. By the way, out of curiousity, i was wondering what covers you liked. Please don't say you liked that twisted sister cover...
What about horrible "evil satan" gimmicks and dressing up like a poor mans GWAR on stage?
So what do you like about those brutal bands?? (dimmu, CoB, etc) Just them being brutal?
You know, I really can't stand those ultra fast brutal semi disastrous (in appearance, i guess they aren't that disastrous:)) riffs.
Why don't we first ask what the definition of "heavy" is, anyway? I personally don't think Children Of Bodom, Arcturus, Iced Earth, etc, are very heavy, but that's just me. You know, you could have this one person who listens to Enya and thinks Linkin Park is heavy, and then you could have another person who thinks Decapitated is weak shit.

Yeah, I'm just trying to make trouble. :P
theodyssey said:
Oh man, how wrong you are. Dimmu is all that is man. Dimmu ruled your ass both times you saw them live, you just were so mystified by the ass-kickage that you didn't even realize how awesome they were. Just thought i should let you know...

But seriously, dimmu is the one band that consistantly delivers. They are really kick ass, and pretty much all their music is awesome. By the way, out of curiousity, i was wondering what covers you liked. Please don't say you liked that twisted sister cover...

Hehehe... I loved the Twisted Sister cover. Hmm.. maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they really have been kicking my ass all the time and I've been in some kind of anti-Dimmu trance. Oh well.

Oh, and the other cover is obviously Metal Heart! :rock:

And in response to the guy who responded after you, I don't really care about lame gimmicks. Hell, Children of Bodom have some of the lamest lyrics ever and they're one of my favorite bands. It doesn't really make a difference to me.
yeah, i don't think Dimmu is a gimick. Oh, and serge, i'm really glad you didn't take that serious... that would have been some shit hahaha

But i don't think dimmu is a gimmick. Everyone who is saying they are is full of shit. I mean, it's cool if you don't like them, but the spikes and the corpsepaint are part of the music, not a gimmick. And honestly, they are one of the VERY few bands that really pull it off well IMO.

But it's all in the eye of the beholder, so you know, cool. No one is ever going to agree on anything in this forum :lol:

Oh and i forgot to mention Green Carnation's light of day, day of darkness (it's not that heavy overall, but it has it's moments). I'm baseing heavy not on cookie monster and blast beats... just on heavy riffage and such