Heavy metal vs Christianity, Heavy metal vs Islam

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1. Yes, I was raised by a Christian family but I choose to be a Panthiest

2. I think they target Christianity because Christiany has targeted them first

3. Not generally most Metal bands that knock Christianity do so because they face it or have faced it more in their own lives and locations perhaps than islam. Its all general location most metal bands come from countries where christianity is the predominant religion there arnt many middle eastern metal bands or african or asian metal bands and if there were they would probably have a lot more to say about islam than say an american or european band would.

4. Inevitably

5. Well one would say muslim extreamist would certainly make that band a target but in the business world I dont think they would receive any more or less opposition than any other religion

6. Perhaps everybody is very edgy since this war

7. Maybe

8. Nothing makes me uncomfortable except hobos with sharp objects

9. I'm sure somebody will disagree perhaps most or even everyone but these are my views I stand behind them and all who try to shit on my personal opinions can shit on themselves
No. Christanty was "made" by a roman pegan. The orginal teachings of Jesus Christ had no real name. It was more or less gentialism or
another fourm of being a jew.

Do hate the belief or the capitalism of the belief.

Do you know anything about the history or Christianity? I doubt it. Constantine didn't "make" Christianity. He simply legalized it. Now one could of course argue that after its legalization pagan elements crept into the church due to the large amounts of pagans "converting" and bringing their beliefs and practices with them, but many of the doctrines and practices of Christianity that are often labelled as pagan can be traced back well before Constantine. Of course one could also say that many of the stories about Jesus were influenced by pagan myths also (virgin birth stories, dying and rising god stories) which is probably true. But anyway, the point is Constantine didn't "invent" Christianity nor did he in fact "paganize" it.

Also about you're earlier comment of having Muslim friends who are not like the extremists and terrorists... that is great. The problem is however that from the time of Muhammed himself Islam has been a very violent and aggressive religion and has been throughout the centuries. Hell there are loads of verses in the Koran which tell Muslims to fight against unbelievers and wage war for Allah, etc. So these "extremists" are in fact the REAL Muslims. Your nice Muslim friends are practicing watered down Islam which has been influenced by the democratic and humanistic ideals of the west. In other words, REAL Islam is shit. Always has been and always will be. The religion needs to be totally revamped and watered down or better yet die altogether.
I have friends who are of islam and belive me there is a big differnce from the extremists who blow them selfs up. No relgion sould be stopped. That is stupid. If you dont like something that is fine and keep your mouth shut.

I have certain muslim friends too, as well as Christian and Atheist friends (I am Hindu). I somewhat agree that all muslims aren't mindless terrorists, but ALL of them are very touchy about their religion. My muslim friends are OK when it comes to other topics, but when I talk about religion, then they get all defensive.

I suppose its because Islam really doesn't have a good reputation. But there are some controversial 'teachings' in their holy book, Quran, to say the least.
ohiogrinder said:
Islam is a disease that needs to be stopped.
Thoth-Amon said:
In other words, REAL Islam is shit. Always has been and always will be. The religion needs to be totally revamped and watered down or better yet die altogether.
Yay for cultural intolerance and ethnocentrism!
Personally I don't follow any religion, so don't make assumptions dickwald. You are clearly a moron as depicted by the anti-islam crap you have been spouting without any real knowledge of the subject apart from "it's crap" well thought out argument.
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