

Aug 1, 2001
Oulu, Finland
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Hi, I'm new here and for my first post I thought I would introduce myself. I recognize a few names so I guess some people already know me from various other boards.

I'm Alex. I live in Oulu, Finland. I'm not actually Finnish myself - I'm just living here for a while. I'll be turning 16 in September. I play guitar and am a music lover. I love all sorts of different styles of music although metal seems to be at the top. Other styles I like are classical, flamenco, jazz, rock, blues, funk, folk, prog, pop, psychadelia, goth etc. I don't even mind the occasional rap or techno (I can't stand country though).

My top five favorite bands would be something like this (not in any particular order): Opeth, Arch Enemy, Dream Theater, Carcas & Megadeth(more for oldtimes sake than anything else).

I've been into Opeth for just over a year now. I just found out yesterday about this forum (even though I've been visiting the website for a while now). In the last half year or so they have become my favorite band.

I own all their cds. Morningrise is still my favorite (the first one I bought, a year ago) but I love them all.

Hmmm, I can't think of much else to say exept that you'll probably be seeing alot of me for a while. And if there is anything else you wanna know about me just ask. I don't have the scandanavian shyness. Yet. ;)
Originally posted by Hearse

Ante: You like jazz? never would have guessed that one :rolleyes::lol:

hehehe :)
well..yea I´m a Jazz fan, just ask Lee :lol:
but to be seriouse I´m grown up with Jazz and I´d say Jazz/Fusion drummers has given me the most inspiration actually :)
Les Binks is one of them, the one who played with Judas Priest on a couple of albums!!! He was actually a Jazz drummer :)

and one of my favorite CD is a jazz drummer album that has a recording live
from 1958 I think with Jean Crupa and Buddie Rich in a drum battle...oh maaaan....:D
Well, it's more like I like it when it's on. I would really like to get into some more jazz stuff but at the moment I only have one jazz cd. I dig it though. It's David Benoit's Proffesional Dreamer.
(and I love those sort of jazzy sounding solos Opeth sometimes do aswell.. like in Benighted and some others).

As for my origins...well, that's a little tricky. I'm half English and half American. I move country every couple of years (cause of my parents work ...*sigh*). I lived here for three years before. Then I moved to Oman (in the middle east...can you say 'culture shock'?). After two years in that hell hole :mad: I've finally moved back to where I used to live in Finland. All the countries which I have lived in: Kuwate :mad: , America, England, Bahrain :mad: , Finland, Oman :mad: and Finland again. *Phew*!!

Hope that explains it. Sorry if you're confused...I am too. :loco:

I'm not into the newer stuff- i haven't heard any of it- but I love jazz too. Coltrane, miles davis, getz, brubeck and desmond, anyone into these cats? Quite frankly, usually when I"m not listening to metal I'm unwinding listening to a stan getz solo.

Can anyone make any recommendations?
Originally posted by gotham

I too am a big jazz fan.

Have you heard any of the post-Bitches Brew Miles Davis stuff, like Live at the Fillmore, Live Evil, Pangaea, Dark Magus, Jack Johnson.

If people think metal is heavy music, they should hear this shit.

no I haven´t heard the Live stuff from Miles D. I bet it´s pretty good heh? :)
who is this Jack Johnson, it sounds familiar to me...plays the sax maybe??
and I know what you mean with the heavy thing :)

one of my favorites would be a band called spyro gyra :) have u heard them?

hey hearse - are you also into Jazz?? maybe we´ll hear some Jazz stuff in Thales?? :) :D
MMMMMmmmm Jazz.

the best jazz is live jazz. Same goes for blues. Watching these incredible musicians in an intimate space is like nothing else (even better with a nice glass of wine, but I'll stop drooling now).

A friend of mine got me into Chet Baker, but Dave Brubeck is always there of course. I also love old big band stuff, Benny Goodman and Count Basie especially.. Jean Krupa drummed for Benny for a while, I believe!

And back to the original intent of this thread.. welcome, jealousy.

-soil to skin, my next of kin-
Hello there! It's a small world indeed. Didn't know you were such an Opethian, I sure as hell am ! Heh, we didn't really have time to talk about the band in Oulu, I guess I mentioned I love 'em and vice versa. MAYH is *this* close to becoming my favorite album now.

(jealousy is a funny guy who has lived in funny countries, likes to wear funny t-shirts and listen to funny things like classical and jazz.) ;)
Originally posted by Xtokalon

I'm not into the newer stuff- i haven't heard any of it- but I love jazz too. Coltrane, miles davis, getz, brubeck and desmond, anyone into these cats? Quite frankly, usually when I"m not listening to metal I'm unwinding listening to a stan getz solo.

Can anyone make any recommendations?

My recommendations would be:
( acoustic jazz )
Steps Ahead
Keith Jarret Trio

( Fusion Jazz )
Weather Report
Tribal Tech
Pat Metheny Group
Brecker Brothers

I´m not into the fellows that you mentioned but I´m going to check them out for sure! :)
Thanks ante,

Suggestions like this are gifts. I'll make good use of them. :)

btw, you've never heard of stan getz? Surely you jest right? That dude did a lot of stuff in fusing jazz with latin rhythms and so on (bosa nova?) He's my favorite saxophonist- his solos are wldly poetic.

I'm amazed at the same time I"m not by the fact that all of you fellow opethians (and former Opeth member heh heh;) ) are into jazz. That's really cool to me.

I'll admit it's a little bit of an offbeat suggestion, but jazz fans should check out the "Hot Rats" album my Frank Zappa. Kinda a jazz/rock sorta thing, pretty upbeat on the whole. Check out the tracks "Peaches en Regalia" and "Son of Mr. Green Genes" in particular, both are fabulous stretches of carefully composed melody (and some wicked guitar soloing in "Son of...").

Past that, my jazz experience is limited to a couple Miles Davis records, although I'll be sure to check out some of the aforementioned acts.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
Thanks ante,

Suggestions like this are gifts. I'll make good use of them. :)

btw, you've never heard of stan getz? Surely you jest right? That dude did a lot of stuff in fusing jazz with latin rhythms and so on (bosa nova?) He's my favorite saxophonist- his solos are wldly poetic.

I'm amazed at the same time I"m not by the fact that all of you fellow opethians (and former Opeth member heh heh;) ) are into jazz. That's really cool to me.


well..I think I have heard stan getz...but I can´t really remember any special song for the moment but I´m sure it´s great!
I like the instrument sax alot too actually, for me it has this relaxing effect hehehe
btw, you like bosa nova?? :) there are some Brazilian mussicians that are good, I guess one of the most famouse one must be Tom Jobim

I´m also amazed that many people here also like jazz :) I think it must be prett good to have a wide musical interest ,in my case I discover dieffernt styles in all kinds of music and like Hoser said Frank Zappa adds a jazzy style to it, and so did Camel I think and vice versa :)
:mad: YES. I RULE. :mad:

It's much fresher here since it isn't used by everyone. We shall fill this board with a bunch of morons who use the :mad: MAD FACE TRADITION :mad: and then we shall move to another untouched, quaint, ubb and so on and so on untill there are no BB's who don't use it. Aahahahahaha

err.r.....never mind all that :)