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Heheheh.. I heard Zwolle has loads of Metalheads...
I just need to find al the nice bars :P
In Groningen my whole class from Finnish Language existed of metalchicks..
Now we have to find a way to keep hang out with each other although we're now scattered all over the country :(
Do you know any good metalbars in Zwolle??

there are only 2 actually

"the Doctor" and just the Rockcafé
or you can go to Popfront.. a bar with a little stage.. lot's of metalheads over there :)

Emptifier just turned 14 legally, but mentally hes still 12 (thats right bitch, you fell a notch).

So his opinion either doesn't count, or was stolen from someone who knows what they are talking about, even though he himself is just trying to look cool.

But being 15 is okay as long as you have a Queen song as a name :lol:!

Seriously he's 14? He looks older for his age.
New member too *waves*.. from Finland and 20 PLUS *laughs*..

Great to meet you and get to know this forum.. it is huge..lots to study :S
hello there... have been browsing through this forum for months now so why not sign in... 19, from croatia, but live in london cuz of studies... playing guitar and like going to gigs as most of you here...