"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

I thought I'd do one of these since I haven't really introduced myself properly.

I'm Eddy, I'm 20. I'm from Heysham in the UK.
I started listening to COB in 2002 (I was 13)and they instantly became my favourite band. Before COB the only other band I really took to heart was The Offspring and back then it was VERY rare to hear anyone from England talk about Bodom, so I'm proud to say I have been a true fan since before Bodom broke through over here.

Bodom Gigs
Sheffield in May 2003 on the HCDR tour in a teeny tiny University room, met Henkka and Alexander.
Headlining Bloodstock 2004 along with Sinergy. Met Sinergy at a signing.
Wacken 2006
London 2008 Met entire band at Signing.
Wacken 2008
Sheffield 2008 supporting Slipknot and Machinehead. (Went to Manchester Signing session day before gig)
Manchester 2009 w/ CC and Diablo Met Janne and Roope.

I have played Guitar since about 2002 aswell, I can play pretty much all Bodom solo's that I have tried to learn excluding a couple (Mask of Sanity is fucking hard) My setup is a Marshall Mode 4 cab with 4x12 stack an ATX3000G fx pedal. Guitars: Edwards ESP E-AL-128(White) and a Jackson RX10 (£20 pink acoustic from argos).

Apart from Bodom other Metal bands I like are Wintersun, Skyfire, Kalmah, Norther and Blood Stain Child.

tl;dr Britfag that lieks Bodom


It surprises me that even though people have been lurking or even posting on COBOT they always have to introduce themselves as a really hardcore COB fan and relate all their post to COB :p
Hello I'm new here. I signed up a while ago but I just recently started posting. I'm 16, I live in Miami, I've been playing guitar for 9 months now and Children of Bodom is my favorite band. I'd give anything for them to come down here D:

Heyyy ! but you know they play mostly in Orlando or Tampa in Florida ;)
You're 16 so you can have a car right? Miami is not that far from those cities :)
Hi to you all and hailings from Finland!
I love metal music. And Children of Bodom is one of those bands I listen to. It rocks!
And otherwise, nice to come here to discuss about CoB and other things ;)
Well, I dunno why I never made an account here before. Just lazy, or didn't have anything to say before I guess. I'd have to say bodom has the #1 slot on my list of favorite bands, so it makes sense for me to come around here once in a while.

What else to say? I'm pretty friendly, I like talking to everybody. So hopefully everything should go pretty smoothly here.
Hey guy's, well my name is William Bauset and from Quebec City. Im a fan of Bodom since 2007:goggly:. I got into Bodom from a friend who listen to Bodom:P;). They f-ing rule:)!!:rock: my favorite song so far will be Bed Of Razors:rock: because of the opening:P.
I don't think I've said who I am, if I have ..I can't remember, lol.. So here we go.
My name is Rikke Andersen and I live in Denmark, I've been fan of Bodom since.. erh-can't remember. I heard my first Bodom-song in ehhh, I think it was in the year 2004 because my brother heard them, and I felt in love with them:D. I use a lot of time to listen to Finnish music/metal, I'm learning Finnish and I've did it since September 2008.. In my sparetime I play football, listening to music, hanging out with friends and draw band-logos, I've made 7 logos (Metallica, Nightwish, Children of Bodom, Evanescence, Kalmah, Korpiklaani and Cinema Bizarre.) But the Cinema Bizarre logo looks like something you do when you're sick(:Puke:) Anyways, I'm always looking on the bright side of life! :) I'm atheist, I don't believe in God, Satan or other things and I love rainbow-cookies.