"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself


:lol: I thought you were. So many christians out there who listen to BM and think it's cool, even though it's all about hating their religion lol

Then why recording albums and selling them?
Black Metal bands' objective (just like every other genre) is to earn money. (Unless they record albums and give them for free, which is not very common.

You have misunderstood.

In underground BM scene albums are limited versions, so only couple hundreds are sold through shops. It depends on artist. So it's not definitely about making money.

Other thing is that you gotta know the difference between art music and commercial music. Commercial music is just for making money and to entertain people. Art music is done for illustrating something, and it is made for the sake of it, not because of money and fame. BM is art.
BRUTAL HATE!!!!!!!!!!111


You guys (primarily mr. br00tal h4t3) are still discussing this same old BM bullshit? Damn... reminds me why I hardly come to this board anymore.

You fail. You just proved your iq is somewhere between a worm and a 2-year old kid. Congrats!

Nope, you though, just proved that you're just another degenerate bigot. Although we all knew that already.

My biggest problem with faggots like you arent that you digg black metal and think its the best thing since sliced bread, its that you cant accept that someone can have any other taste than yourself, anyone who has a different taste are "Lesser" and "doesnt understand"

Just proves how much of a immature twat you are. I'm not saying every black metal listener is like this, but you've proven that you are over and over again.

Wouldn't surprise me if you're a anti-semite on top of this.