"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Hi there! My first post here, my name is Kimmo P, Swe/Fin dude living in Swe.. so whats going on? :) Just found out today that there is a CoB forum so ill be hanging here for a while.. hope u guys can bare out with an artist rocker (Or how the fuck i should place it) ;) (I paint stuff kk?)
im Peter, im 19
and currently goin to music college, but im doin the dumbass course as i know shit about theory.
ive actually been readin these forums for a couple of years now
thought it was bout time i started using them
and im also in the same situation as above, no fucker listens to bodom here
or any other good band for that matter
Allright, I'll say hi here too. Finnish, love CoB, but dark secret is that I have Kelly Clarkson's latest=). And it doesn't stop there, I like Meat loaf too, call me crazy=D.
Totally losing my "street credibility"... really, that's most god-damn awful word monster there is.
And Britney! (well, the old stuff...)
Should I start a thread to Dark secrets...?=)
Just joined today and browsed around for a bit, so I might as well post an intro. I live a pretty boring life, I'm a Photoshop loser..well I guess I'm just a loser in general. Anyways, hi.
Fuck, totally forgot about Bon Jovi last night! Been a fan for 13 years! (god I'm old...) Really, I shouldn't be posting here after two am, don't think straight... :D

nah you aint old. Ive been a fan of Deep Purple and Rainbow since i was born lol.

I'm Sanne and I'm 23. I've been a CoB fan for about 8 years now.. but only recently discovered the forum.

I'm a student living in the netherlands (but planning to move to finland :D )..
Laverne said:

I'm Sanne and I'm 23. I've been a CoB fan for about 8 years now.. but only recently discovered the forum.

I'm a student living in the netherlands (but planning to move to finland :D )..

Seriously, somebody should make a poll about how many people want to move in here=). Not that I'd mind, we have space...
Welcome anyways=).
Hi all fellow CoB-fans! I've been a fan of CoB in almost 5 years, and is a big fan of Alexi. I've been totally addicted to CoB since I first heard their songs :)
I discovered this forum yesterday, it rocks :headbang: