"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Hi. I'm your typical metalhead. I also listen to a lot of classic rock. I live in San Francisco and I am going to see Bodom on the 25th! Finally, I play the guitar.
Hey this is my first post, but i've browsed these forums for probably over a year. COB is my favorite band and I've got tickets to see them november 12th in Detroit,Michigan (can't wait!) So just sayin' whats up everyone. :headbang:
Hey !

I am new to the forum!

I've been listening to CoB for about five years now, and I am finally seeing them live soon!! :headbang:

I live in Montréal, I am a student and well.. I love music!!!
Hey ummm well I joined here a couple of weeks ago and then forgot hehe, well my name is Christina or Chrisi whatever. I am 17 years old from England and I felt I shoukd join a messageboard seeing as I love CoB so much and I wanna share it here with all you guys, omg this is going so shit, please dont judge me by this stupid introduction cuz its looks a bit cack to be honest. AAANYWAY this is me, you'll get to know me more as time goes by, if I post here enough hehe we'll see how mind grabbing and time consuming this forum is eh.

Well, I'm new here, I am 16 and I'll see C.o.B. very soon (november 10th) My first language is French, I'm a Québécoise, then sorry for my mistakes. My favorite bands are: Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, Black Sabbath, Bleeding Through, C.O.B., C.O.F., Dark Tranquility, Ensiferum (I like finnish metal!), Finntroll, Hypocrisy, Iron Maiden, Kalmah, Lacuna Coil, Metallica, Naglfar, Norther, Opeth, Pantera, Quo Vadis, Stratovarius, Slayer, Skid Row, Warmen...etc
i'm new too....
hello to all, im 17 years old, i'm from austria, and i listen to cob since 1 year....
im going to see them live soon in vienna...other bands i listen to are: arch enemy, amon amarth, ensiferum, finntroll, dimmu borgir, pungent stench, nile, hypocrisy, in flames and many more....