"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Weel, it's aboot the new b'y that join' an' shee's a gurl 'an comes from Canada, eh? So we's say de brick when' off de wurf, dog when' off the wurf, den no more dog problem, eh? Noufies fur ever, eh? :lol: :loco:
My name is Karin and I'm not really new.. I already registerd about a year ago but I never confirmed it. Was a shitty time in that periode, but i'm all better now.
A bit info:
23, student, living in the netherlands, music lover, 3d nerd, designer, chaotic, funny, BEER (for the people who know it: HERTOG JAN!!!)... uhm don't know what else to put here. If you want to know anything just ask.