"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

damn delicious said:
im awesome.

im victoria :)

Can I call you Tori? There's this chick at my school that I completely hate, and will slit her throat one day, and her name is Victoria. I don't want to be reminded of her when I say your name.
follow_the_reaper said:
Can I call you Tori? There's this chick at my school that I completely hate, and will slit her throat one day, and her name is Victoria. I don't want to be reminded of her when I say your name.

haha indeed you can, most people dont call me victoria anyway.:Spin:
Hi to all!
I'm a newbie :)
my name is Ingrid (how surprising:Smug: )
and I'm from the netherlands.
yesterday was the first time I have seen CoB live (but it won't be the last time, I already have got the tickets for the next time:loco: )
well, I'm 18 years old and I don't know what else to say