"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Video game music is bad ass

Hey fellow bodomites, i was at the show COB show yesterday and i gave about 5 different people the link for UM so there should be more noobs coming this way soon
since everyone is offering something, then i shall do so too:

here, have an heart attack:


:lol: :p
Hey guys, i just want to say hello. Im kinda new here but anyway... im max, from quebec city (canada).. im a pretty big fan of cob.. I saw them in Montreal last months, fucking awesome show..

im playing guitar too.. im trying to be the next wildchild but.. fuck and cant sweep :( for now ;) so i have a lot of work to do :)

anyway... maybe ill post some of my pictures of the last cob show soon!

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:wave: I am a newbie too! I been here like three weeks. It's fun!

You must have a newbie kit:

1: one pair of bunny ears and teeth
2: one shoe
3: one cookie
4: one book "Guide to saying WHOOOARGH!"