"Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

Hi, my name is Roel, from Holland, 19 years old and student in daily life. Only got into CoB quite recently by a friend who gave me the albums Follow the reaper & Hate crew deathroll. I've been browsing this forum for a week or so now and the off-topic part looks pretty nice aswell :p
hey to everyone, i ve done some posts already but since i joined the board only a couple of days ago i introduce myself...
i m Eleonora,i m 20 years old from Italy and of course i m a big CoB fan :Spin:
Heh, I should dhave done this a while ago but I'll do it now.
My name is Navreet, i'm 18, and I hail from the Tyrant States of America. Here is some shit about me:

1. One of wishes is to ride in the Pope-Moblie, if I owned it that woold be cool too.
2. I wanna be President of Antartica and rule the land with my superior army of Penguins & polar bears.
3. I'd like to be mayor of my city and put up statues of Ronald Reagan so people could throw stuff at them to take out their aggression. And the stuff would be sold by the Park Departmen tso the city would make some money.
4. Finally, and this is for my own personal satisfaction. I wanna play baseball with GWAR.

Oh, and I honestly think former President Jimmy Carter is Jesus Christ.

I guess thats it.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Heh, I should dhave done this a while ago but I'll do it now.
My name is Navreet, i'm 18, and I hail from the Tyrant States of America. Here is some shit about me:

1. One of wishes is to ride in the Pope-Moblie, if I owned it that woold be cool too.
2. I wanna be President of Antartica and rule the land with my superior army of Penguins & polar bears.
3. I'd like to be mayor of my city and put up statues of Ronald Reagan so people could throw stuff at them to take out their aggression. And the stuff would be sold by the Park Departmen tso the city would make some money.
4. Finally, and this is for my own personal satisfaction. I wanna play baseball with GWAR.

Oh, and I honestly think former President Jimmy Carter is Jesus Christ.

I guess thats it.
well, that's a pretty nice life plan
welcome :D

@the other new ones : welcome ya'll too ;)
I'm 14, soon 15 (6 days...)..
I live in Switzerland.
I like Bands like Cradle Of Filth, Children Of Bodom, Nightwish, Sonata Artica, Dimmu Borgir and SliPKnoT.

Nickname is German...Means Black Angel...
Hmm..yes Im new.

My name is Sarah, and I live in Arkansas (Moving to Oregon in 6 months).

Im 18, will be 19 in 2 months. I love to write stories about people's lives.

If I could...Id make up an entire life about someone so I can write it down.

Yes, I quite often get bored. Guess that's all that really matters.