Hello. :)


Nov 21, 2001
I'm Iris AKA mousewings from the In Flames board.

I have heard some good things about this board, so I will post here, if no one objects...

I'll try not to be *too* strange. :)
hey mouse, its nice to see ya over here. Its a damn good board! As long as you like DT (some dont and still post here hehe....) but anyway, welcome!
that's the case of my beloved robotic friend |ngenius.
He's actually compiling DT discography since he got curious about damn thing we're saying :p

and welcome mousewings (<rant>wacom pencil</rant>) hope you don't talk too much 'bout Inflames though :)
:) That is my case too...

I also go to the nDMB place even if I don't listen to the band.

I'll try not to talk too much about In Flames... or the band members. :D

Thanks for welcoming me. :)
Originally posted by terria
the term too strange doesn't exist (at least in my eyes it shouldn't...)

That is a good thing to hear... :D

Originally posted by Melancholia
Do you like the Shadowlit Facade?
Sadly I have never heard of them. I listen to the same 5 or so bands over and over. :) Cool that you are from Greece (my best friend's family are from there).

It is interesting to have all these people from other countries on this board... not just mostly Americans and some Canadians as is common with some other boards. :)
of course he likes it, you greek troll!!!!! ;)

@mousewings, you just have to say "Yeah, it's hell great" even you don't know which song are we talking about ;P *cough coughh*
Originally posted by MacMoney
From the In Flames board, you say?

Away with you, beggar! We don't need any common people like you here!

:lol: I will continue to post here just for you... :lol:

BTW I am a female... the bat skull avatar fools everyone. :)

As for my taste in music: I like In Flames, Tina Turner, Corrosion of Conformity, Kyuss, Down, Unida, and Godflesh.
Do you like the Shadowlit Facade?

The Question wasnt inplied to mysself, but Melancholia I just have to remark that actually two days ago was the first time I heard Shadowlit Facade and whoa :D I have listened to DT for almost over a year and a half now and I absolutely fell in love with that song..... Amazing....:loco:

here I thought I had heard all of DT's stuff and they knock me out with this amazing title

... Argh I love this band!.....:tickled:
Originally posted by -MournBringer-

The Question wasnt inplied to mysself, but Melancholia I just have to remark that actually two days ago was the first time I heard Shadowlit Facade and whoa :D I have listened to DT for almost over a year and a half now and I absolutely fell in love with that song..... Amazing....:loco:

People in this forum are strange :loco: :loco:
People in this forum are strange

I feel that I must say something in my defense now, but sadly this is all I have come up with;

:loco: :loco: :loco:

What can I say? She pretty much nailed that one on the head :D

Strange people are the greatest :lol:
-MournBringer- Indeed,strange people are the greatest :D

TheMindzI@ Cool new avatar! :cool:
I'm waiting to see the DT one....

Btw,you lost a great Kreator gig :devil:
Originally posted by Melancholia
-TheMindzI@ Cool new avatar! :cool:
I'm waiting to see the DT one....

Btw,you lost a great Kreator gig :devil:

I don't really like it in this size.. but I really love the original pic.. it's my other nick's logo somehow edited.. I just wanted an avatar til I get home :D

There was a Kreator/Cannibal Corpse show here about 2 weeks ago.. and I missed it ON PURPOSE! Marduk also play with Bal Sagoth in London.. and.. whatever.. if there's a gig going in Greece.. it will find its way to London
I just LOVE it when you are jealous :loco: :loco: