Help convince me to go Mac...

Lol...well then. Who cares anyway?

People believing Apple ships 'superior parts' in their Intelboxes.

Their decision to abadon TI and go the el cheapo route of Agere for Firewire is also a nice test of faith for all PTLE macusers.

XP users would call that 'rubbish' and put a TI PCIcard in their boxes, or buy a mobo with TI onboard.
Ah well, then again, XP severely bottelnecked firewirethroughput again in SP3, so we're all there I guess.. :lol:

Thank god for registryhacks. :)
People believing Apple ships 'superior parts' in their Intelboxes.

Their decision to abadon TI and go the el cheapo route of Agere for Firewire is also a nice test of faith for all PTLE macusers.

XP users would call that 'rubbish' and put a TI PCIcard in their boxes, or buy a mobo with TI onboard.
Ah well, then again, XP severely bottelnecked firewirethroughput again in SP3, so we're all there I guess.. :lol:

Thank god for registryhacks. :)

Not a fair comparison IMO, as I guess you're comparing Apple laptops to workstation PC's?

And anyway, you can get a Expresscard TI Firewire card into your MBP. Mine luckily still has a TI chip :) honestly, the specs of the new MB's and MBP's are pretty shit, I would've never got one. Early 08 MBP's are a killer deal.
To bad expresscards are the SHITTIEST FUCKING DESIGN ON EARTH, the connector is like 4 mm deep, and the SLIGHTEST tug will remove it (at least on the expresscard I have, but I doubt others are any different) - PCMCIA for the win

And I'm not in the habit of tugging my cards, by the way, but rather accidentally knocking the FW cable that's plugged into it - instant dropout, instant headache! :ill:
Mulder.. you're bitter about your 90's experience.. we get it. you'll just simply have to accept at face value that most of the rest of the mac users here have not had anything like your bad experiences.... and we're not all just dumber than you about the hardware.... get over it man, i mean wow, talk about a chip on one's shoulder. you'll need to go to CostCo to buy a vat of bean dip big enough for that thing. enough already,

I have a macbook that I rarely use now. It has way less warezed plugins. I bought cubase 4 with my friends edu discount. Logic sucks imo (some people swear by it). If I werey ou though I'd stick to windows so you can use your money for hardware instead of plugins.
Not a fair comparison IMO, as I guess you're comparing Apple laptops to workstation PC's?

Regular pc vs iMac?

And anyway, you can get a Expresscard TI Firewire card into your MBP. Mine luckily still has a TI chip :) honestly, the specs of the new MB's and MBP's are pretty shit, I would've never got one. Early 08 MBP's are a killer deal.

New ones, they put in nVidia chipsets, that's a Digi nono...

Guess we'll see quite some new XPnotebookusres running PTLE..
100% legal with my plugins and of course with Cubase. I primarily use UAD-1 plugins, Superior Drummer 2.0, and Battery.

I will say that there are far more and way better free VST plugins available for Windows, but the tradeoff with going Mac is security and stability.
I think that's only a trade-off if the person in question doesn't know how to operate and maintain their XP-based machine. Since reformatting earlier in the year I've had 0 threats of virus or spy/malware on my PC.

I think the real trade-off is that in OSX that safety is in-built. It seems to be an easier, less cumbersome and overall more friendly and modern OS. Much more 'plug'n'play', ironically as it seems M$ coined the term. Stability I'd love to agree on, but all Macs I've used have crashed equally, if not more than the XP computers I run, and that's WHILE running sessions.
Microsoft's idea of security is a couple of patches here and there to undo damage done. The fact that antivirus software is actually needed doesn't speak well for the system at all.

No knowledge, skill or software can ever protect a Windows-based machine. You will be infected, period, unless you keep your machine offline, it's just a matter of time (usually not very long.) I have never had to reformat a Mac, they just keep going without problems.

If I ran a Windows based studio without access to a Mac, I would do all of my internet tasks in Linux only, and only download from trusted sources such as manufacturers of music software/hardware. Keeping Windows offline is the only real protection.
Microsoft's idea of security is a couple of patches here and there to undo damage done. The fact that antivirus software is actually needed doesn't speak well for the system at all.


Ok, that was the most stupid post about computer viruses i have EVER read in my entire life..

If you seriously believe that Mac is virus proof, then i feel bad for you.

A virus is a virus, and no matter what platform you run you will run in to a virus eventually, and the reason that antivirus software exists is to get rid of that virus.
Now, if you get one of those Mac-viruses(YES, they do exist!), what are you going to do to get rid of it?
Fart at your hard drive? ;)

(This post is not intended to defend Microsoft.)
Ok, that was the most stupid post about computer viruses i have EVER read in my entire life..

If you seriously believe that Mac is virus proof, then i feel bad for you.

A virus is a virus, and no matter what platform you run you will run in to a virus eventually, and the reason that antivirus software exists is to get rid of that virus.
Now, if you get one of those Mac-viruses(YES, they do exist!), what are you going to do to get rid of it?
Fart at your hard drive? ;)

(This post is not intended to defend Microsoft.)
14 years of of "unprotected" mac use... going to any site i please... even the nastiest porn sites that have outright riddled my various PCs over the years and i STILL haven't got one.

the point noutern isn't that Macs CAN"T get viruses.. it's that they generally don't.... so there's just no comparison regarding security of the two platforms.. none at all. i seriously hope that isn't your argument that somehow things are equal between Windows and OSX regarding the virus issue just because there's a possibility somewhere in the universe that Macs could get one.

yes, any computer can get a virus. but you have less than one tenth of one percent chance of it happening currently with the MacOS.... and that's as good as gold to me. i've spent more time listening to PC buddies crying about Viruses than i've ever spent even thinking about them being on my system.

and i check.. it's easy to monitor any processes that are running in OSX. i'm still clean.

but no, i wouldn't fart at my harddrive.. i'd simply run a utility from a CD and clear it up.... it works quite well from what i understand... never had to do it. meanwhile that 999 times out of a thousand that i do NOT get a virus and your PC does.... well, i'm working and not having to be embarassed to my clients that i'm wasting their time cleaning viruses off my drives.

try farting on that. :lol:
Skip the ethics, if you're making money with Warez and get caught you're out of business overhere. :)

I saw it happen to a DJ, he cried.
Mulder... i would have bought tickets to have been there for that... lol. Did you video tape it? i'd pay for a DVD.

yes, any comoputer can get a virus. but you have less than one tenth of one percent chance of it happening currently with the MacOS.... and that's as good as gold to me.

Hmmmm... Will an iPhone protect me from telemarketing? :)