Help convince me to go Mac...

Ok, that was the most stupid post about computer viruses i have EVER read in my entire life..

If you seriously believe that Mac is virus proof, then i feel bad for you.

A virus is a virus, and no matter what platform you run you will run in to a virus eventually, and the reason that antivirus software exists is to get rid of that virus.
Now, if you get one of those Mac-viruses(YES, they do exist!), what are you going to do to get rid of it?
Fart at your hard drive? ;)

(This post is not intended to defend Microsoft.)

That post wasn't intended to defend OS X, but... OS X is much better off because it doesn't automatically open every script sent to you in an email and its privileges are managed better - of course, if the system's usual user is running with superuser privileges then shit will hit the fan, but unlike Windows the 'limited' everyday users aren't able to completely bomb everything. They can get viruses, but to make even the slightest comparison with Windows is absurd - bordering on 'mostest stupidest intarweb virus post evar!', really.

Linux hasn't had a threat anywhere close to the clusterfucks Windows faces every day because privileges are well-managed and the system errs on the side of safety rather than automatically doing everything it possibly can just for the sake of doing everything it possibly can. Also, before the 'nobody writes viruses for Linux because of its small market share' bullshit starts... Linux runs a lot of the most important shit on the internet, so the fact that BSD and Linux boxes running Apache are brick houses even when running incredibly high-profile tasks should shut that up.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go clear the sand out of my vagina and listen to Winger.

Notuerne....who the fuck ever said Macs 100% never in a million years could get a virus? I don't recall anyone ever saying that. All anyone on here, myself included, has ever said that it's basically a HUGE difference and that it is very rare for someone to stumble upon some malware for an OSX machine. And that, without a shadow of a doubt, is true. If you don't believe that, then you are the most ignorant person I've ever met. I can go round up 1,000 Mac users and I'll bet you everything I own not a single one of them ever had any issues with malware of any kind on their machine. Let me go round up 50 Windows users and I bet you 30-40 of them have had issues.

Fuck off with the virus shit. The facts are there. The experiences are there. I'm so fucking sick of hearing about "if you know how to use the internet properly it's not a problem" when it comes to Windows. Fuck. You fucking shouldn't have to be careful in the first place. That's the god damn point. I should not have to go through training on how to use the internet in order to avoid malware, I should just be able to fucking use the internet, worry-free. With Macs, that is possible. Sure, there's the one-in-a-bajillion fucking chance I could somehow get some malware, but the chances are slim to none. Happy?

The fact that someone has said

006 said:
I should have to go through training on how to use the internet in order to avoid malware, I should just be able to fucking use the internet, worry-free.

is a great testament to how skewed perceptions can be thanks to Microsoft's dominance.

Cherry picking. Love it.

So and so because the millionth percentile, therefor, Mac's suck! They all break. I have 20 viruses in all my macs, at least. You can't prove me wrong!

Evolution isn't real.

Mulder... i would have bought tickets to have been there for that... lol. Did you video tape it? i'd pay for a DVD.

Nah, we felt sorry for the guy. It was some years ago, when the law was a bit vague, you could only get caught when you had the legal and the warezed version of a softwarepackage in house. This guy kept on working with Cubase 3 on an ancient Atari (he work very fast with it) and the hacked version was better than the original; the hackers took out some bugs. But he did own the original version.

They fined him for 150.000.

Anywayz, everybody I know has hacked software at home. I think it's better for a musician to be a thief then a hypocrite.

But when you're a legal business they can kick your door in overhere.

I have a bit of luck in that department, beeing both a teacher and a former editor of a Dutch midi magazine. Loads of NFR's overhere.

(I even got a fully authorized Waves ADB-dongle! :lol: )
That post wasn't intended to defend OS X, but... OS X is much better off because it doesn't automatically open every script sent to you in an email and its privileges are managed better - of course, if the system's usual user is running with superuser privileges then shit will hit the fan, but unlike Windows the 'limited' everyday users aren't able to completely bomb everything. They can get viruses, but to make even the slightest comparison with Windows is absurd - bordering on 'mostest stupidest intarweb virus post evar!', really.

Linux hasn't had a threat anywhere close to the clusterfucks Windows faces every day because privileges are well-managed and the system errs on the side of safety rather than automatically doing everything it possibly can just for the sake of doing everything it possibly can. Also, before the 'nobody writes viruses for Linux because of its small market share' bullshit starts... Linux runs a lot of the most important shit on the internet, so the fact that BSD and Linux boxes running Apache are brick houses even when running incredibly high-profile tasks should shut that up.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go clear the sand out of my vagina and listen to Winger.


Now you are completely ignoring the fact that you actually claimed that its IMPOSSIBLE to get a virus when running OSX, and that was the remark i was "attacking".
I know Windows is a holyshitness of leaks, and that OSX and Linux are much more secure, and any one who denies that is just stupid.

No matter how far up your ass you shove that fuckin' Apple, it wont be a fuckin' miracle platform that is 100% bulletproof.

And just as a note to that part about Linux:

My father was an it-technician specialized in server management and anti-virus protection, and there is a few viruses out there that is targetted to those huge Linux systems that are around.
And those viruses are some nasty ass piece of code that fucks up the systems so bad its insane, and its almost impossible to get rid of them(Allot because there isn't any über awesome anti virus software to Linux.).
But of course, you wont get bombed shitless with viruses running Linux or mac.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to read a couple of mathbooks and listen to Meshuggah.
sadly, no... it's just a really cool phone in the end.... i got my first telemarketer call on my iPhone a few days ago.... fuckers! ;)

This is how I respond: Take a deeeep breath, and blow slowly exactly in the little hole of the microphone of your mobile. It will create a very nasty full-spectrum full-amplitude distortion in the earpiece of the slimebag.

After repeated training I can hold it up for twenty seconds, enough for a nice tinitusringing. :headbang:
Where exactly did I claim that? I said that antivirus software being necessary spoke poorly for Windows in that post, so let me know where I posted that it was *impossible* and I'll show you a post made by the elves who dance randomly around my computer in the wee hours of the morning.

Also, I don't really have Apple up my ass, it doesn't feel well against the sand... and I'm a fucking Slackware user, for fuck's sake - nuclear-powered super-Linux for people who don't sleep and hate GUIs. I'm pretty much as anti-Apple as a computer user can be, but there's no question that it beats Windows on the things I consider to be important.

Go ahead and name these Linux super-viruses, and show how widespread and damaging they were found to be. If a system he worked on got actually infected by one of these it was set up wrong, period. Running the wrong shit as root, weak passwords, something like that - OpenBSD went five years in a row without a single exploit in their *default* install and has started another nice streak lately, and while Linux can't be spoken of as cohesively (since it's only the kernel) it is still inherently secure enough that all but an immeasurably small percentage of possible problems come from incorrect setups from silly mistakes.

As for 'no uber-awesome anti virus software for Linux, there are actually several - Clam, for example. It really just sounds like you're arguing for the sake of arguing - no fact-checking on things like this, and misquoting/misinterpreting me severely... I say enough stupid things *without* everyone else's help, for fuck's sake...

No matter how far up your ass you shove that fuckin' Apple, it wont be a fuckin' miracle platform that is 100% bulletproof.
which part of "no one said it was" are you missing?

But of course, you wont get bombed shitless with viruses running Linux or mac.
thank you for finally pointing out exactly the point we have all been making this whole time.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to read a couple of mathbooks and listen to Meshuggah.
No matter how far up your ass you shove that fuckin' Meshuggah CD, it wont be a fuckin' miracle that will improve your maths skills.

now maybe if you actually join Meshuggah... :lol:
Mac OS X is far superior to Windows as an OS. Way more stable, consistent, modern, etc. Mac OS X is what Microsoft wishes Windows 7 will be - and they will again fall FAR short of that mark.

This is stated as fact, but is total speculation and opinion. You should have began this statement with an "IMO", because In my opinion, I could state the total opposite! And I have had to work on a MAC at work for over ten years, dealing with tons of unstability on the MAC, only to come home to my PCs and have them work flawlessly for me.
Where exactly did I claim that? I said that antivirus software being necessary spoke poorly for Windows in that post, so let me know where I posted that it was *impossible* and I'll show you a post made by the elves who dance randomly around my computer in the wee hours of the morning.

The claim that anti virus software isn't needed is the same.
I repeat that part as well: How do you get rid of a nasty virus then? Do you format, or fart at the hard drive?
(The fact that getting a virus is a hard task, it still doesn't answer the above question.)

Go ahead and name these Linux super-viruses, and show how widespread and damaging they were found to be. If a system he worked on got actually infected by one of these it was set up wrong, period. Running the wrong shit as root, weak passwords, something like that - OpenBSD went five years in a row without a single exploit in their *default* install and has started another nice streak lately, and while Linux can't be spoken of as cohesively (since it's only the kernel) it is still inherently secure enough that all but an immeasurably small percentage of possible problems come from incorrect setups from silly mistakes.

I never claimed that they where widespread, in fact i pointed out that they where rare, but nasty as hell if you got them.
The only system that is safe is the one that isn't connected to the internet, i know it, you know it.

As for 'no uber-awesome anti virus software for Linux, there are actually several - Clam, for example. It really just sounds like you're arguing for the sake of arguing - no fact-checking on things like this, and misquoting/misinterpreting me severely... I say enough stupid things *without* everyone else's help, for fuck's sake...


Well, it take back that claim, but the fact that anti virus software exists for Linux, doesn't that tell you that it is necessary?
which part of "no one said it was" are you missing?

That wasn't included in the part of the post i answered to, thank you, please come again.

thank you for finally pointing out exactly the point we have all been making this whole time.

I wasnt responding to any point you have made, i simply disagreed with JBrolls post that claimed that anti virus software is obsolete under OSX.
The claim that anti virus software isn't needed is the same.
I repeat that part as well: How do you get rid of a nasty virus then? Do you format, or fart at the hard drive?
(The fact that getting a virus is a hard task, it still doesn't answer the above question.)

No, it's not. If the damage that could possibly be done by a virus is insignificant enough so that the time wasted by a virus scanner is greater than the time wasted through recovery, it's not necessary. (It's possible to get a virus in the same way it's possible to have taste and enjoy Poison.) If you cannot see that the statements are not identical (yours implies mine, but mine does not imply yours) you really *should* go read some math books.

Notuern said:
I never claimed that they where widespread, in fact i pointed out that they where rare, but nasty as hell if you got them.
The only system that is safe is the one that isn't connected to the internet, i know it, you know it.

Maybe, but a properly set up *NIX system is close enough.

Notuern said:
Well, it take back that claim, but the fact that anti virus software exists for Linux, doesn't that tell you that it is necessary?

People make cashmere sweaters for dogs, does existence truly imply necessity?

In all honesty, it looks like you are trolling. You are no longer contributing anything to the thread, you are simply wasting my time with claims that aren't verifiable and arguments that aren't defensible. I know you can do better.

But it really is obsolete.... I mean, several years myself, Mr. Murphy I'm sure as well....tons of others. It may not be "fact" that anti-virus software is indeed not necessary, sure there is the off-chance, which none of us Mac users have claimed otherwise, but from our experiences, we haven't needed it yet ;)

I wasnt responding to any point you have made, i simply disagreed with JBrolls post that claimed that anti virus software is obsolete under OSX.

Again, there's a difference between 'not necessary' and 'obsolete' - some are paranoid, others don't think it's worth the extra processing power.

At first I was gonna right how ridiculous it is that ANYONE GIVES A SHIT at this point, but then I realized this is perfect, cuz once ever last point is debated to death here, whenever anyone asks the Mac/PC question again, this thread will be the answer!
...when the Macheads will buy their new Mac Pro's based on two Xeon 5570's they can run all the antivirus whatevers they can think of.

You won't know what hit you, these i7 fuckers are soooo fast...
This is stated as fact, but is total speculation and opinion. You should have began this statement with an "IMO", because In my opinion, I could state the total opposite! And I have had to work on a MAC at work for over ten years, dealing with tons of unstability on the MAC, only to come home to my PCs and have them work flawlessly for me.
because you don't know what you're doing on Mac.. and Kazrog is very knowledgeable on the subject and quite qualified to make such statements as fact and not opinion or anything close to speculation. you should really learn exactly who you're talking to before you question whether someone's statements are speculation or not.

length of time working on a particular platform does not imply, in any way, expertise... or even half-assed knowledge for that matter. Case and point, my mother is a highly educated Nurse who has spent many years doing data entry, medical records, and client contact management on a PC.... and to this day she has to call me to ask how to check her email. in the workplace people typically only learn what they want/need to learn to get by in their job.

we have already established, clearly, in this thread that one's personal computers at home, regardless of platform, are typically going to be far more stable than work computers, used in an office, that you don't care about as much, don't know about as much, and/or share with multiple users.. any one of which could be shitting in the punchbowl... so, your work situation is irrelevant to the conversation and contributes nothing.

bottom line, period, statement of total, quantifiable, objective fact: if you cannot maintain a mac to run smoothly then you simply do not know what you are doing. the end.