Help me choose cds version 2

Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Ok, if you find Ulver's "Themes from William Blake", buy it, it is utterly essential and there is no way in hell you will be dissapointed (it's in my top 10 of all time). Same goes for 'La Masquerade Infernal' by Arcturus.

For In The Woods... go with either Omnio (again, in my top 10 all time. One of the most emotional albums you will hear. Think of a Black metal version of Pink Floyd, but with clean vocals and mostly without the overt aggression) or HEart of Ages.

If you like Garms vocals, try Vintersorg. I only have Cosmic Genesis, but it's infectious. There are samples on his web site. He's also in Otyg, so check them out too :p

Cheers, I'll look out for those :)