Heres a weird fukin thread :p


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Well maybe not to weird but anyway ..... I was wondering if this happens to anybody else or is it just me...... how do I put this ummmmm Do any of you have albums that you seem to always be buying because it just keeps disapearing, Whether it be because you lent it out or ya just lost it, There is 4 albums that come to mind for me Metallica "Master of Puppets" "And Justice for all" "Black Album" and Megadeth "Peace sells ...." I dont know why its these 4 but it seems like every 3 to 5 years I have to buy new copies for each ....... Second question.... Does anybody understand what the hell I'm Talkin about?!!??!!? :p
totally jonnyd-i've just gone and brought my third copy of dirt by alice in chains cause i cant find my old one.
demanufacture by fear factory is another.i've brought four copies of that fucker.
all metallica albums have to be replaced after a while.
my main prob is my kids-the discs just end up everywhere
I'm kinda anal about my discs, will even bug some one to get something back if I have to. :) so I don't have to replace much stuff if any. However I have a friend how shall remain nameless (plan13) that has bought many copies of some discs. mainly becuase he gets rid of stuff he's not listening to at the moment and 1 year later will want to hear it again so he'll buy another copy (usually used). He cracks me up. He does not do this too much these days but back in the 90's he did it all the time.
I don't have to worry about my friends lefting my cds (mostly cd-rs). None, and I do mean none of my friends like my music. Only one friend liked Sodom and he moved to S.F. Cal. WITH my Sodom-Code Red cd!! Grrrrr! He laughed when I ask him to mail it back to me! Bastard!
delize said:
I don't have to worry about my friends lefting my cds (mostly cd-rs). None, and I do mean none of my friends like my music.

I'm in the same boat, Delize. None of my friends are really into metal either. All of my friends are into music but we're all into different stuff, which is cool, you get turned onto allot of different things that way. But is sux not having anyone that I regularly hang out with to talk about metal to. Guess that's why I hang around this board so much, other like minded people.
Recently I almost lost 5 albums in total with 1 by Crowbar, 2 from Entombed and 2 from Obituary but luckily I got it back. I was really pissed off at myself when I couldn't find them. My albums mean everything to me so I do my best to keep them in good condition.
Nup not with me. Only 2 albums. Keep The Faith by Bon Jovi got stolen so I re-bought it, and I had to re-buy Double Platinum by Kiss coz I wore it out when I was a teenager.
The only CDs I have replaced so far are:

Motorhead - "On Parole": fall on the floor and broke (I sware it!)
Rainbow - "On Stage": some weird "worm-like" thing attacked the CD and made like tunnels inside the plastic pressing, rendering unreadable by the laser. I have some others with the same "disease" but so far the music tracks hadn't been touch (usually starts from the outside, and only in old CDs from the first years of the technology).
Judas Priest- I change the old ones for the reissues with bonus tracks.
Iron Maiden - Change the old ones for the Castle reissues.

The album I probably have change the most was Iron Maiden - "Piece Of Mind". It was my first metal album but on tape (Costa Rican domestic version), then I bought the vinyl (Guatemalan pressing), then I bought the vinyl again (USA version), but then I started to change my vinyls into CD format, so I got the CD and then I got it again when the Castle reissues came.:loco:
Wyvern said:
Rainbow - "On Stage": some weird "worm-like" thing attacked the CD and made like tunnels inside the plastic pressing, rendering unreadable by the laser. I have some others with the same "disease" but so far the music tracks hadn't been touch (usually starts from the outside, and only in old CDs from the first years of the technology).

I've read about this in collectors magazines, they call it Laser Rot. The article had me all paranoid, checking my older cd, but I've not seen anything like this in my collection. There are a couple older discs with pin holes in them, if you hold them up to the light you can see them. I guess we're talking about the same thing, or did you actually see the "worm-like thing that attacked your cd? Are there CD eating insects out there?!! If so it was probably created in some lab by the RIAA, unleashing it on the world to eat our discs so we have to buy more copies. :)
Wyvern said:
Change the old ones for the Castle reissues.
I do that all the time. That is a major reason why my collection is rather small compared to the amount of money I've spent on it so far. Whenever I see a re-release with remastered sound or even bonus tracks I gotta have it. Well, it became less common in recent months since labels (or musicians) started to release re-issues of the re-issue e.g. W.A.S.P. or Mötley Crüe. That is more than superflous, of course. But whenever there's a seemingly rewarding re-release I'm on it the moment I spot it. Force of habit, I guess.
tedvanfrehley said:
I had to buy several copies of LOAD (like 3) because it kept scratching....wierd! Did anyone notice st anger scratching easily too?

I would have to say you're better off without them. Anyway, I suprisingly have never lost a CD, but I am also very protective with them. I very, very rarely lend them out and I do usually make sure they're quickly returned.
Wyvern said:
The only CDs I have replaced so far are:

Motorhead - "On Parole": fall on the floor and broke (I sware it!)
Rainbow - "On Stage": some weird "worm-like" thing attacked the CD and made like tunnels inside the plastic pressing, rendering unreadable by the laser. I have some others with the same "disease" but so far the music tracks hadn't been touch (usually starts from the outside, and only in old CDs from the first years of the technology).
Judas Priest- I change the old ones for the reissues with bonus tracks.
Iron Maiden - Change the old ones for the Castle reissues.

The album I probably have change the most was Iron Maiden - "Piece Of Mind". It was my first metal album but on tape (Costa Rican domestic version), then I bought the vinyl (Guatemalan pressing), then I bought the vinyl again (USA version), but then I started to change my vinyls into CD format, so I got the CD and then I got it again when the Castle reissues came.:loco:
Castle reissues/remasters are hands down the best ever done!! Especially the Maiden ones. Have a few castle Helloween ones too! I'm very anal about my collection. I switched to cd in 90, even though I had 300 cassettes. I put every cd in alphabetic and chronilogical order. When I switched to cd, I stopped loaning them out, even to my friends. I explained to them that way I don't throw a tantrum in case you lose it...problem avoided. If you want to hear it, I'll make you a copy, as long as you buy it eventually. I know it sounds selfish, but I worked my ass off for the 1300 I have,(took 13 years) and if a friend has an album that I want, I don't borrow from them either. I just wait till I can buy it Myself.
I've only had to replace: Rush-2112 Metallica-Master(it was used, had a scratch) and of course, Maiden(got the remasters)
Greeno said:
But is sux not having anyone that I regularly hang out with to talk about metal to. Guess that's why I hang around this board so much, other like minded people.

Yes it does sux. I had an email friend I ask metal questions, but he doesn't write anymore. I guess I ask too many questions. LOL! I wish this board was more active.
I´ve not had to replace things because I´ve lost them but moreso because I´ve worn them out. I used to have a large tape collection before I got a CD player and I killed at least 4 copies of Kill Em All and 3 of Ride The Lightning. The only CD I have gotten 3 times is an OLD MAN´S CHILD album that I seem to lose everytime I´ve moved.
baldyboy said:
a friend did me a copy of the arch enemy album wages of sin a while ago and the disc went kind of rusty coloured.has anyone else had that?it still plays,its just a funny colour.
Actually yes I have My buddy Jesse Burned me a copy of SOD live at the Boudakon and well I dont know what happened to it but its all fucked up Still plays though ..... Weird :err:
Greeno said:
I've read about this in collectors magazines, they call it Laser Rot. The article had me all paranoid, checking my older cd, but I've not seen anything like this in my collection. There are a couple older discs with pin holes in them, if you hold them up to the light you can see them. I guess we're talking about the same thing, or did you actually see the "worm-like thing that attacked your cd? Are there CD eating insects out there?!! If so it was probably created in some lab by the RIAA, unleashing it on the world to eat our discs so we have to buy more copies. :)
I have some with those "pin-holes" too, this is like the same but imagine all the holes together in a broad line across the CD like the trail of a worm, that's why I nmae them like that. I have never seen any visible living creature attacking the CDs :confused: ...

Otherwise I'd kill the bastard! :tickled:
I wouldn't say there is a particular CD or CDs that come up missing, but I lost three Symphony X CDs all within a month and they weren't stolen. That was pretty much my whole SX collection and I thought that was strange. I did "find" one of those but the other two are still AWOL.
