Hey ShadowLioness!...pics of my rear end <<< Click Here :)


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001

pic #1: left side - impacted side from unknown asshole's vehicle. note it's been about week since the damage was done. the temps have been in the 60's the past couple days and there are STILL patches of ice in our parking lot. *rolls eyes* the unknown asshole is not the only one to blame in this fiasco. the management of this apartment complex have been very lax about their attention to winter matters the past few years, and after this incident they've heard from me about it.


pic #2: right side - damaged when unknown asshole's force of impact crashed the back end of my car into the car that it was parked next to it at the time - my neighbor's car. :\

:devil: did you think i was actually going to post pics of my tushy? :p

bottom line: damage has been done but that's why we pay good money to insurance companies. it's taken care of mostly but i still have the $250 deductible and 20% of the rental car i'll need for a week when my wheel's are in the shop. (pain in the ass bullshit) *grumbles*

np: Megadeth - Hidden Treasures/Go To Hell
02 Seabring :), but the thing is I am quiting my job soon b/c of all the stress, so I dont think I can afford the payments, and I'll have to sell it.

Nick(sort of sucks)
NicktheClayman said:
Well its a choice between some kind of mental stability, or a nice car :). I'll take being sane :D.


But with a car you can always run over people questioning your sanity. Think about it...

NP: Evergrey - Recreation Day
Nice tushy!!! :lol:

That's the shits though about your car :erk:

You think THAT'S bad....check out my story...

I just came back from Houston last night....I tried calling Phil just to let him know I got home safe, even though I knew he was gonna be at the Amon Amarth show. Well, some strange fool answered his cell phone...after a few words, I thought maybe I DID in fact dial the wrong number. So, I checked it, no, it was right, and called back. Same fool answered the phone. I had no idea who this person was, and when I said I was looking for Phil he said that he just ran down the street to get some beer. Though this struck me as odd, I said ok, I'll just get with him later. This fool proceded to have a conversation with me about some mundane things. I got off the phone with this fool and went to bed about midnight. At 2 AM this morning, Phil's mother calls me and tells me that Phil's truck had been broken into at the show and his phone had gotten stolen, and not to call his cell phone. WELL I HAD HAD TWO CONVERSATIONS with this THIEF ALREADY!!! I couldn't believe it. At 3 AM, the thief CALLED ME BACK to tell me that Phil wanted me to call him, and then cackled as I hung up on him. FUCKING IDIOT!!! So Phil is without a phone for a couple days. His poor truck sustained a broken passenger window and a fucked up door...and he has a $500 deductible. I am exhausted. *sigh*

@Nick: I'd take sanity anyday ;)
@shadowlioness: baf! i'm really sorry for your bf's misadventures. yet i think i have a suggestion: if the thief is still unsure about you knowing the phone was stolen, you could try calling him back, pretending you're still unaware of everything. maybe you could net out some info for the police to work on to track him? sure you should try out your part beforehand, but it might be worth a try if the idiot still answers the cellphone and is willing to talk.

Too bad about the damage to the car. :( It's still a very nice car btw.

The people here have cool cars... I should learn to drive someday.

@Nick too bad about your car. :(

Hmm... taking the car could be an option for me, as I was never sane to begin with. :loco:

@ShadowLioness: Whoa, that's pretty bad. I agree with rahvin in trying to call that guy back and getting more details on him. Too bad cellphone call locations aren't tracible...
@ rhavin and mousewings: Thanks for the sympathies :) . You guys had a good idea there...but I believe that his cellphone has now been inactivated. When his mom called the cell company they said they would turn it off within 24 hours. I wish I would have thought about that when he called me at 3 in the morning! :zombie:
thanks for the compliments and condolences, people.

Rachel: except for the fact that Houston is where your sweetheart is, why on earth would you want to even move there! gaaaaaaah.

good luck, dear.
Well, it's a lot WARMER for one thing! Phil doesn't live in downtown Houston by the way, more on the outskirts with all the preppies ;) . It'll be a change of scenery for me. It's a fun town, we'll see.

Thanks for the luck! :D