Horror DVDs

That dude who stars in Saw (and co wrote it) used to be on that music show on abc on sat morns called recovery with dylan lewis. He used to have long hair back then too. Funny thinking back that he is the dude that co wrote and stared in Saw.
He was awesome - I still have a vid I taped where he's on it.

Funny guy - I think he was the movie reviewer actually.
Yeah I think he was the movie reviewer.

There was a news article on him a few months ago about how he went from being small time on Aussie tv, not doing much for a few years, and now is a millionaire in LA, and how absurd it kind of is haha. Was interesting.

I eagerly await he and James Wan's latest project, Silence.
Is it just me, or have there been lots of good horror movies over the last couple of years? Much better than the general Hollywood tripe served up through the 90s.
I liked a lot of that tripe actually :lol:

I'm almost getting sick of the 'throwback to the 70s' horror that is coming out these days. I actually see the 80s as the best place for horror - even though it wasn't that scary. It was a time when killing was just plain fun to watch, so you were always rooting for the bad guy! The 90s took this and tried to make it mature... then the 00s came along and we're going back to the 70s with 'disturbing horror' and the like.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot there I love - I just hope it doesn't become generic (which it never was in the 70s - not that I was ever there)... gee I'm blabbering tonight!
I'm enjoying the throwback to the '70s stuff at the moment. I mean they only really started doin that last year (or in the last 2 years anyway)... The '90s sucked. Basically horror was dead for ages, had a revival in the late '90s after "Scream" came out with all the 'teen-slasher' films, which was basically a throwback to the 80s horror films but with a kinda satirical, deconstructive attitude to them... Now it's back to the raw, violent, in your face horror of the '70s which I'm lovin! I think The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses and Wolf Creek are 3 of the best horror films in a LONG time, and even Wrong Turn was excellent!

I love the 80s stuff too coz I grew up with it but I dont think its anywhere near as good as the 1970-1982ish era. The Video Recordings Act and introductions of rating systems and films starting to get banned etc really killed the production of horror films the way they used to be before the early 80s, because production companies arent gonna take a risk on putting money into something that may not even get released, so everything got way toned down.

Don't get me wrong, I love stuff like A Nightmare On Elm Street, Trick Or Treat, Slaughter High, Maniac Cop, Shocker, etc but you have to wade through a lot of really BORING '80s slasher films to get to the interesting ones. I can barely sit through some of the Friday The 13th sequels anymore. Whereas I find something interesting or appealing about most horror films made in the 70s because they were coming out in a time before most of the movies were being made by big studios so they had all the freedom they wanted and were generally young, creative, straight out of film school, hungry to make something memorable & push the envelope kinda film makers, rather than the big studio hiring a reliable director to churn out another teen slasher film for very little money and guarantee them a big return at the box office situation in the 80s.
The first few Friday the 13ths are good but after that it just gets plain ridiculous.

I like the 70s throwback thing too. Much more interesting than another I know what you did last summer and the like.
I loved I Know What You Did Last Summer - Ben Willis/The Fisherman could've been the new Jason Voorhees for this generation, but nooo. (although apparently there's talks of a 3rd)

I love all the Friday sequels (well not LOVE all of them - 2 is pretty shit actually) and I just plain love slashers. Halloween 2 would probably be my favourite slasher, such a fucking good atmosphere about that one. The first Friday the 13th would also be up there - another good atmosphere.

That's what I love about horror - the atmosphere. Even if it doesn't scare me, if it puts me in a nice mood while watching (nice not meaning nice, but a good feeling/dark mood - now I sound goth, aarrgh how do I win?) then I'm pleased.
I watched The Driller Killer last night. I am not sure what to make of it...not sure whether I liked it or not.

I liked I Know What You Did Last Summer, I thought it was great and agree about The Fisherman, but I think the sequel was pretty shit.

I agree that horror has taken a turn for the better as of late. Seems to be much more good new stuff around than there has been since I can remember.

I am interested in Hostel, when it is released.
The first 2 friday the 13th movies were great, the first easily the best of the series. The best thing about I know what you did last summer was when the killer was hauling some birds body away with his hook under her rib cage like some kind of large fish. haha oh how I laughed. Oh and buffy in a bikini at the start yeehar!
Blitzkrieg said:
I watched The Driller Killer last night. I am not sure what to make of it...not sure whether I liked it or not.

I was the same when I saw it :) Generally though, if a film leaves that impression on me, I decide that I do like it because it's made me think about it afterwards. I think it is one of those films, very much like Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, which is somewhere between being an art film & character study, and being a horror film. A very acquired taste, because generally these films are too artsy for the horror audience and too violent/ugly for the art film audience. I like them both alot though now, I prefer Henry though.

(The Driller Killer is cut by the way, the DVD cover here lies!!!!)
Icarus said:
The first 2 friday the 13th movies were great, the first easily the best of the series. The best thing about I know what you did last summer was when the killer was hauling some birds body away with his hook under her rib cage like some kind of large fish. haha oh how I laughed. Oh and buffy in a bikini at the start yeehar!

I can't remember Friday 2 very well even tho I've seen it lots of times, it's kinda unmemorable for me, I only remember Ralph being hung and Jason shoving something right through 2 people while they have sex. I think 2 was one of the most boring... I get 3 and 4 mixed up but I liked one of them I think... 5 & 6 had their moments and were pretty fun, I like those two. After that they sucked. I tried to watch Jason Takes Manhattan a little while ago and ended up using the fast forward button, not a good thing haha. Couldn't be bothered watching, I was bored! And I HATED Jason Goes To Hell...

If you like Friday The 13th, then "The Burning" is a MUST!!!!! 1981 summer camp slasher, complete rip-off of Friday The 13th but easily better than any of the sequels and imo better than Friday The 13th too. AND it stars Jason Alexander with hair, dealing porn magazines around camp!!!

Compared to Friday The 13th, it has a better story, higher bodycount, better directed, more surprises/shocks, more violence, more suspense... It's just a better made film and a bloodier slasher!
I'll try get it out for just seeing Jason Alexander in it haha.

Is number 2 the one where jason sticks the machete into the fella in the wheelchair and he rolls down the stairs with it stuck out his head? If not maybe I have mixed up number 2 with another one.
Yeah, that's the one - but that's almost the only good thing about the movie. Jason running around with a paper bag on his head did nothing for me.

Part 3 was awesome - it had the fat guy who kept pulling pranks and everyone hated him.

Part 4 was pretty cool - Corey Feldman + more titties than ever before and good deaths.

Part 5 a lot of people hate, because it *SPOILER* wasn't Jason, it was a copycat killer *END SPOILER* .. but it had even MORE titties and MORE violence, so I still had fun watching it.

Part 6 was great because it was when Jason got supernatural. No titties at all, but AWESOME kills. I loved the paintball game to the max!

Part 7 would probably be my favourite sequel - I loved the whole "Jason vs Carrie" thing they had going and KANE HODDER was finally introduced!

Part 8 was HILARIOUS and that's why I love it so much! Jason Takes Manhattan. What a fucking cool name for a movie. When he punches that black boxer's head clean off and it lands in the garbage bin? BEST KILL OF THE SERIES.

Jason Goes to Hell wasn't THAT bad, nothing special though. I LOVE the opening scene to death though. That's some of the best horror I have ever seen.

Jason X was fun. It was good until uber Jason showed up then it got a little... action movie for me, but I still enjoyed it.

2 was the only one that bored me completely throughout the whole series. It had SOME memorable moments like the wheelchair kill, but overall wasn't that great.
Trixxi Trash said:
I was the same when I saw it :) Generally though, if a film leaves that impression on me, I decide that I do like it because it's made me think about it afterwards. I think it is one of those films, very much like Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, which is somewhere between being an art film & character study, and being a horror film.
Good call, I will agree with that.
Trixxi Trash said:
(The Driller Killer is cut by the way, the DVD cover here lies!!!!)
I watched Dawn of the Dead last night (the recent one). Not bad, not bad. How does it compare to the original. I know this was spoken of a while back in another thread, but hey let's talk about it again...

I never watched the Friday the 13th movies as a kid for some reason. I was more into Freddy...