How about a friendly guitar tone competition?

Jaekae suggested I put up more than one round at once, so two tone competition threads instead of one at a time for example. It would go faster since there'd be two rounds going on at once...but there is also the risk of divided attention / voting for overall fav instead of per thread.

Should I do it?
Actually, you're probably going to kick my ass.

I retract my statement :lol:

I think there are 23 entries right now, so yeah that would be 5 rounds + round of the winners facing off. How many rounds do you think I should post at once?

You know you have the power to fuck up everyones contribution to make yours sound better :D Add some nasty 6dB eq at 3000Hz or something on my wavefile.

I would totally do that If I were you :lol:
You know you have the power to fuck up everyones contribution to make yours sound better Add some nasty 6dB eq at 3000Hz or something on my wavefile.

I would totally do that If I were you

Lol, that would be hilarious!!!
When do you want to upload the other rounds?

Doing it right now. Expect it up in the next 15 min, and it'll be open for voting for 3 days just like round 1. This doesn't mean you can stop voting for round 1 though! Both require voting for those 3 days, its not like round 2 replaces round 1.

Note: I had to edit some of these tracks, so if you're going what the hell thats not the file I sent, you are correct. Some people added a chord after the track so I deleted that chord.

Here it is, round 2:
Will the raw guitar tracks be posted?

I wonder what people's opinions and choices would be regarding tones outside of a mix?

Yes, they will be posted. I'm also putting up CurveEQ files of all the tracks, and I might also post the EQ curve of how all the clips differ from the winner.