How about a Guitar Tone competition, round two?


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
I'm sort of interested in hearing what everyone here is capable of again. I figure since I won the last guitar tone competition (whether it be due to talent or pure luck), I should kind of throw it out there to start up another one. I think MarkG did an awesome job of hosting the first one, so I suggest he run this one as well if he has the time.

I think Bloodjinn or TheDude should supply the DI's this time around. The Dude's AxeFx Clips were awesome and the playing is super clean. Kyle is also a great player.

If you had the time, TheDude, I think it would be great if you could supply both drums and bass tracks as well. Your work is awesome.

Anyone down?

P.S. You better get your Roadster soon Marcus, time to redeem yourself ;)
im in, but i think we should make small donations to markg if he do it again, cos it will take alot of time for him and last time he did all the work for free, atleast so he can get some free beer
Well damn I am honored that you would want me to supply some DI's. I am definantly down. I just dont know what to record haha.
I'm gonna go with groove metal. Something cool and original. I think 30 seconds long or so would be appropriate. New strings and Countryman Type 85 (or something equivalent) would be standard. We need great DI's to start with.
I think everyone on this forum should donate a dollar to each individual on this forum who doesn't have a reamp box *cough cough* ola and poidaobi *cough* The worst part is they are two awesome contenders for this tone-off.
Count me in.

But... the rules should be clear from the beginning, last time my sample was a bit controversial due to was louder RMS, but I demonstrated it was perfecly correct, cause there were 2 ways of normalizing RMS (weighted to human earing and the other). I passed to the final but people then hated my tone for being tricky. Sons o' bitchas.

Or to do things easier, the master of the contest should normalize all samples to the same average RMS.

It is just guitar tone, or guitar tone sitting in a mix, I mean, will there be drums and bass?
They should be weighted to human hearing. Certain spectral responses can cheat flat RMS metering by too much or too little frequency content in one area.

That is what I did and look what happened... the guy on the floor it's me.
