How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

I saw the CD at a Best Buy somewhere, thought they had a cool name so I bought it. One of the best things I've ever done.

@birth of the wicked: That song in your sig is the fucking ultimate.
I was about 13 years old. At the time, anything with a cool name, or something I couldn't understand and had to look up, were metal bands that I would check out. DT drew me in beyond that superficial crap. I started with Minds I and Gallery.

They were actually my favorite band for years until very recently, with Opeth's new album. :p


lmao, dude, that made my fucking day. Sweet video.
I saw Character as a daily special on The End Records shop. It was an impulse buy. My college radio co-host had played The Final Resistance off Damage Done once and I really liked it. I own Fiction, Character, and Damage Done now, but once I get some extra cash I mean to pick up the rest of DT's back catalog as well.