How Did You Get Into Metal?

Liked some heavy bits in The Red Hot Chili Peppers (no joke), someone told me that was what heavy metal sounded like (they were wrong), so I bought Master of Puppets with pretty much no research and it was awesome.
Was brought up on pop and classic rock in a place where no-one listens to metal. Heard System of a Down on Kerrang, then large advancements were Trivium --> Pantera ---> Children Of Bodom ---> Nile ---> Dream Theater (bit of a difference there) and then Spiral Architect. That last one pretty much defines my music taste now.
A bunch of older kids who lived near me were into metal, and we hung out and I basically listened to what they played me. First piece of music I ever owned was VON's Satanic Blood.
I was a huge "Lord of the Rings" nerd, searched for some music inspired by the series, found "Lord of the Rings" by Blind Guardian, was filled with an overwhelming feeling of glory and epicness, and it's never stopped from there!
Nu-metal bands first, I only liked the heaviness, but I always thought that it was missing something, then I searched for heavier stuff, First I got into In Flames, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Venom then thanks to this forum I found other awesome underground stuff.
I got a friend of mine to burn me a CD of Sabbath, Metallica, Ozzy, and Rammstein tracks.

It branched from there.
My guitar teacher introduced me to Metallica and my friend introduced me to DT.

Nevermind. Too many threads like this.
Agreed, i've posted my metal history at least a dozen times by now.
I started listening to metal in 1992 when Vulgar Display Of Power came out, i was 12 years old. A few years later i picked up "Wake Up And Smell The Carcass" and a whole new genre opened up for me. Pretty much uphill from there.:kickass:
Hair metal in the 80s. Then I discovered Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer when I was 11 and listened to the more mainstream metal throughout most of the 90s. Then a friend made me a tape of Deicide - Legion and I saw the Carcass - "Heartwork" video on Headbanger's Ball. And that's that.
I got into metal as sort of a natural progression based on stuff that I had already liked.

Growing up, I was never really into music until I heard Marilyn Manson. I was 9 years old when I heard the song "The Beautiful People." At the time it was incredibly dark and heavy and unlike anything I had heard (at that young age, of course). Through that I got interested in industrial and gothic, as well as 'darker' hard rock groups.

Then I found Cradle of Filth and through them I got into extreme metal. Symphonic black metal in particular appealed to me. I remember I'd check out bands' websites and download whatever free mp3s they had up, and soon enough I'd make a compilation CD. It's odd though, that aside from CoF the majority of metal bands I first got into at the time were quite underground, and hardly known. But I guess that's quite common these days, or especially within the past five years or so because of filesharing, internet etc.
Grew up listening to Metallica thanks to my dad, so I actually never got into it, it just came natural, since I hadn't been listening to anything else until I got in school, where the other children would listen to Britney and Spice Girls.
Through out elementary school, I grew up hearing aggressive rock, and metal from my brother playing it. I remember he would always play Rage Against the Machine, and I loved it. He would also throw on some Black Sabbath that I loved. I remember hearing Iron Man, and loving it. The next year he started to play some Pantera and Black Label Society. I loved it. Then he bought me The Black Album, (around this time I was in a Linkin Park stage). I loved it, and slowly started to stop listening to Linkin Park. The next year for my birthday he bought me Master of Puppets, And Justice for All. So from there on, I really started to listen to those two albums, along with some Black Sabbath and Ozzy. I also got into some Hendrix, and a few other hard rock bands which I liked. Then next year, I found this site, which then, I got into Slayer and Venom. Then I heard Dark Tranquility, and it pretty much went on from there.
When I was about 12 years old (I'm 31 now) I came across an issue of Metal Maniacs. I realized that I'd really like the bands mentioned in that magazine. Before that I had already been listening to Metallica, Antrhax, Megadeth, etc. (along with 80s hard rock), and I really liked them. Metal Maniacs opened my eyes to many other bands like that, and even more extreme bands. So soon I branched out to other thrash bands such as Testament and Slayer, and then death metal. It wasn't until a couple years later that I began listening to black metal and doom metal.
Progressed from Poison -> GnR -> Faith No More -> Metallica and then delved into Fear Factory, Sepultura & Machine Head. Been loving it for over ten years now... just found some old fanzines i have from 1995/1996 .. brings back some memories :)