How did you hear about VEHEMENCE?

No shit dude. She asked me what kind of music I liked, and I told her I liked all kinds, wasn't an elitist or anything. No sooner than I said that, she hooked me up with really good stuff from all across the spectrum. I owe her alot, just have no idea how to repay her....she took a chance on me, and someday I'll return the favor, somehow!
Hmm, actually I had never heard about Vehemence until now (I'm a frequent visitor of some other UM forums, stumbled in on this one by chance since there were no new threads on my other fav forums). But after reading all the good stuff about the band on this forum, I'll be sure to check it out! I hope people will do the same for me once my band takes off ;)
Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
This is John Guitarist of Vehemence,Welcome to the message board, we are a Melodic Death Metal band, what does your band play and what is the name of it?

I take it this was a reply to my post above?
If so, the name of the band is "Fall from Grace" and we play a kind of melodic thrash/death/grind mix... hard to put a label on it since we haven't been playing for very long. We are however quite serious, and I think things are turning out pretty well. There will probably be a homemade demo out in a few months or so... If I remember to, I can post about it here once it's out. We are also in the process of putting together a homepage, but we don't have a good logo yet. I have asked Ivan of Deadhouse (UM art studio) if he could help us, and he said he'd give it a shot as soon as he could. Once the homepage is up, I'm thinking of adding some soundfiles recorded at our rehearsals... could be a good way to let people see how we are progressing, and a way for us to get some feedback on the material before it is recorded "for real". This is all in the future though, but hopefully a not too distant future.

BTW, I downloaded the track "God was Created" from your homepage. Awesome stuff, I'm going to order the album as soon as I get some cash! Keep it up guys :)
Whoa, I just came back from rehearsing with my band (see post above), and it turns out our drummer is a piano-genius! Man, this is sooo excellent, now we can add those really beautiful breaks where the extreme death is suddenly cut off by a piano-interlude! Man, things are turning out better and better all the time :)

Sorry to ramble on like this on your board, I'm just a bit high after rehearsing (on adrenaline, not on drugs ;) ).

Oh, and I found your album in my local record-store. I'm going to pick it up at the end of the month and enjoy!

The record store is called CDmedia and is located here in Linkoping, Sweden. Check them out on (just type in "Vehemence" in the box where it says "Artist/Grupp"). Though it's quite expensive there (179 swedish crowns, equivalent of $18). So I'm gonna order it from another store where it costs like 16$... at least a bit cheaper ;)
yah, I think they put up some posters. Always worth asking I suppose :) If you don't get a reply, you can send me the poster and I'll take it down to them. If they don't want it, I can probably find another store in town that will put it up. We have an underground metal-store here called Crazy Records, and they would probably put it up.
Hey no probs mate, I'll try and get all the posters out to stores! The more marketing the better! I've done some similar jobs for swedish record companies and festivals earlier.. handing out flyers and putting up posters around town, so I have a few tricks. ;) Drop me a PM if you're interested mate!

October 18, 1999
I first heard of Vehemence through the magazine "Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles" when the God was Created album came out. They had the song "Made for her Jesus" on their promo CD that comes with the magazine every month. I wasn't hooked on the band until about a couple months later though when I heard the song "Christ I Fucking Hate You" on our local University's radio station.