How do you Pronounce Bodom


Metal Keyboardist
Feb 2, 2002
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I was in the record store the other day and my friend was buying Peace Sells But Whos Buying. The cashier was telling us how it was a classic, so we asked him what other bands he liked. When he was stating his list he said Children OF Bottom. Me and my friends have always been saying Bo-dumb. does anyone know how its really said.
Alexi says Bodom in:

Silent Night, Bodom Night
Children of Bodom
Bodom After Midnight
And after the live version of SN,BN

...not in Lake Bodom, though. Oh well :)

Bo is pronounced like 'bow' or 'doe', dom like 'dumb' or 'rum'.
The 'dom' part should be prounounced with a shcwa, but you can just say it like 'dumb' and I don't think anyone would notice the difference.
Originally posted by loWildChild
LISTEN TO THE FUCKIN SONGS!!! ALEXI SAYS 'BODOM' IN A COUPLE OF THAT!!! AND LISTEN TO THE CONCERTS TOO: "We are Children Of Bodom, and we comes from fuckin finland!!!"
He sometimes says "Buudom", and sometimes "Bodom".
I always say "Bodom".

Believe me, next time they come here on tour, if I can see some of the guys, I´ll ask them how it´s pronounce....