How do YOU want to die?

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
With celebrities dying like flies lately, i've been questioning my mortality and my final arrangements.

I want a funeral similar to King Arthur in Le Morte d'Arthur. I want a pyre on a raft in the middle of a lake and a flaming arrow shot at me.

I want to die while tripping on acid. I'm usually in a pretty cosmic mood, so I think it would be a pretty smooth transition. It would make any afterlife seem like part of the trip.

I don't really want to be cremated, but I would like it if it was a funeral pyre. Other than that, just stick me in the ground somewhere and let me be worm food.
dunno... obviously no one wants to know they're dying, so i guess either in my sleep or in an accident that happens really suddenly and is really cool, like spontaniously combusting or getting beheaded by a falling sheet of glass or something

i'm really high risk for breast cancer (my mom had it when she was 26 and her biological mother died from it) so that freaks me out

and as for plans for my body, i'd like whatever salvagable organs i have to be donated and then the rest of me to be cremated. don't really give a shit what's done with the ashes, i just don't wanna take up space in the ground. stupid idea.
det som - i just noticed your signature. yesterday at work there wasn't anything to do so i started reading the copy of revolver (i think it is) that we have that has an interview with mustaine and his whole "I am a legend" thing. oh yeah, and how Jon Nordviet (sic) threatened him at some fest and Mustaine could've really fucked him up because he has like 5 black-belts or something. quality lolz.
I want to die violently, and on the news for weeks. I'll likely take half of a huge city with me.
det som - i just noticed your signature. yesterday at work there wasn't anything to do so i started reading the copy of revolver (i think it is) that we have that has an interview with mustaine and his whole "I am a legend" thing. oh yeah, and how Jon Nordviet (sic) threatened him at some fest and Mustaine could've really fucked him up because he has like 5 black-belts or something. quality lolz.

Yeah he's such a douche. And in another one he was like

"I'm christian, he's satanist, that means we're enemies right?" or something like that. I dunno it sounded so funny.