how have your musical tastes changed ?

Mine too, mostly just expanded. 12 years ago or so I dabbled some in the likes of Korn, Downset, and Pantera, but I still would save allowance money and get stuff like W.A.S.P. - Double Live Assassins..Maiden - Best of the Beast.... that stuff was around from about the beginning, and easily took over in time. Speaking of Maiden, however, I would say I don't listen to nearly as much Maiden as I used to. I just.........don't need to I guess. It's part of me now, or something.
Video game music -> Smashmouth -> Alice Cooper -> Metallica -> Megadeth -> Iron Maiden -> traditional metal -> Testament & Exodus -> thrash metal -> Atheist -> death metal
The first CD I ever owned was Smash Mouth. I think I bought it after Shrek came out because it had the song All Star on it.

Anyhow, since I got into metal my tastes have expanded rapidly. Initially I would listen to anything that was heavy and didn't have too harsh vocals. Such as Godsmack and Pantera. I mean, I still listen to Pantera occasionally (CFH, Vulgar, and Reinventing the Steel are all good albums) and Godsmack have one or two songs that are legitimately good. But back then I had no idea what the fuck I was listening to. I understood nothing about musicianship, songwriting, etc...I just wanted heavy. But I also enjoyed this feeling I got from some of it of "this is so wrong." I first got that feeling when I listened to Master of Puppets (I was stupid and didn't realize it was about drugs and thought it was about bondage). The next thing that gave me that feeling was Slayer's Divine Intervention. That album is really mediocre and I didn't like it musically too much at the time but songs like Sex.Murder.Art and Killing Zone scared me in a way that nothing really has since. I remember Reign In Blood did the same for me and then that was really the last album to shock me. The last time I had that feeling of listening to something truly disturbing was when I listened to Limb by Limb by Viogression. There's a sample at the beginning of someone saying "what are you doing?" and then screaming as a power tool turns on. There was something in the shrieks that really hit me.

But I digress. Basically, I can listen to pretty much anything at this point. John Arch, Attila Csihar, and Phlegethon are all within my tolerance vocalwise. No lyrical subject matter really bothers me, although I get annoyed at gore lyrics because I think that by and large they're really stupid. The occasional gore song I'm fine with, but albums full of descriptions of carnage just strike me as idiotic. I recognize that they're no more creatively void than shit about dragons or Satan or being true, but they irritate me more.
I don't quite understand how people can turn 180 degrees on music they actually claimed to have liked. It smells to me like either they liked the scene or the people involved in that music, and never had a real appreciation for the music itself. Either that or they did like the music, but now it is more cool to like real metal, so they reject what they actually like and embrace something new that they have no real appreciation for.

To me the only valid change is expansion.

Same here. I still listen to albums I used to like 10 years ago, just not as much and my taste has expanded quite a lot since then.
I wasn't referring to anyone here specifically but I see it all the time, and figured it was likely to happen in this thread.

People who talk about how they used to be into the style of music and how they regret it now, and looking back can't understand how they could've found those bands appealing at all. How they now think Korn and Slipknot are incredibly gay and would rather listen to some "real" metal, and how they took all their nu-metal cds and smashed them to pieces etc. - only written out with plenty of capitals and exclamation marks.

I sold all my Limp Bizkit and Bush X CDs just before places wouldn't buy them

But yeah... I used to listen to Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer when I was about 10. I don't listen to that kind of stuff anymore.
I don't quite understand how people can turn 180 degrees on music they actually claimed to have liked. It smells to me like either they liked the scene or the people involved in that music, and never had a real appreciation for the music itself. Either that or they did like the music, but now it is more cool to like real metal, so they reject what they actually like and embrace something new that they have no real appreciation for.

Well personally I listened to whatever on the radio because that's all I knew of really like 10 years ago. I was never "into" it though. When I was 16 I liked country, now I can't stand it (haven't been able to for a while though). As my music genre contact expanded I found out much of what I first liked, I only liked because it was "the only option" in a way.
I went from boybands to pop punk to ska to Metallica/Megadeth to euro power metal and prog. metal, then slowly got into heavier thrash and eventually flashy tech. death. After a while black metal and more old school death metal, then I had a thing for death/doom, which I thankfully got over and came to embrace stoner and trad. doom and soon heavy metal and USPM, and now I sit comfortably embracing most all metal but prefering OSDM, trad doom, and heavy metal.
At first I used to like stuff like Backstreet Boys, and all of that shit when I was about 5, because my sister used to like it and I listened to it. Then my brother started to play The Beastie Boys, and I loved them, and still do like them. Then he played other heavy/hard rock bands, like Rage Against the Machine, Black Sabbath (I remember when I heard Iron Man the first time), and other shit like that. Around that time still though I was listening to shitty pop. Then around the 4th grade, I started listening to Rob Zombie (I have to thank the Twisted Metal games for that). Then I got into Linkin Park in 5th grade. So I started listening to them. Then on my 12th birthday, my brother got me the Black Album. He was into stuff like Pantera, and Black Label Society, which I really enjoyed. Anyways, I really liked The Black Album, and started listening to Black Sabbath. So then from there, I got into more Metallica, and he got me Master of Puppets, and And Justice for All. Those could be considered my first true metal albums. Then, I really got into Black Sabbath, and Ozzy's solo stuff. I got into Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. Then I found this forum, and found stuff like Slayer, and Venom, which I really dug. Then, found Dark Tranquility, and started to get into Melodic Death Metal, with In Flames, etc. Then, I got started listening to Dimmu Borgir, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Opeth, Morbid Angel, and more extreme metal. Then Powermetal, and went on from there.
i started out listening to girly symphonic metal

but now only listen to death, thrash, and -core. the manly metals.
Anyways, I really liked The Black Album, and started listening to Black Sabbath. So then from there, I got into more Metallica, and he got me Master of Puppets, and And Justice for All. Those could be considered my first true metal albums. Then, I really got into Black Sabbath
I'm having some problems with the implied causality and continuity of this story. You liked Metallica so you listened to Sabbath and then you got into Metallica and then you listened to Sabbath?

and -core. the manly metals.

Nightwish is still better than Trivium.
I'm surprised someone actually read that whole thing tbh.

Before I got into Metallica, I liked the song Iron Man before I got into metal at all really, but my brother got me the Black Album, then I started listening to more Black Sabbath, then more Metallica.
I'm surprised someone actually read that whole thing tbh.

Before I got into Metallica, I liked the song Iron Man before I got into metal at all really, but my brother got me the Black Album, then I started listening to more Black Sabbath, then more Metallica.

So it's not that you just phrased it poorly, it's that your life actually doesn't make sense?
No, I heard Iron Man first, then I got the Black Album, then I got into more Black Sabbath (don't remember why), then I got Master of Puppets and And Justice for All.