how have your musical tastes changed ?

they haven't, they've just become more nuanced over the years. sometimes i think "taste" is just rooted in some kind of yearning for childhood, at least in my case.
The change that occurred with me is not with bands, but with vocals. For example, the first time I heard Nergal's(Behemoth) vocals I laughed because at the time I thought it was just ridiculous. That's the way I was with Death Metal vocals as a whole. Now Death Metal is my favorite genre.
Used to be really into the grunge scene about 9 years ago (abit late for it I know), but I started getting into old Metallica and never really liked their newer stuff. This eventually led me to listening to BLS, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Slayer etc. Started listening to Melodic Death, eventually Death Metal and went through a Tech Death phase which quickly subsided because of the amount of soul-less tech death bands. Then started listening to Black Metal alot more.
Random mainstream music.. mostly rock old and new -> Metallica -> Slayer -> total downward spiral into the genres of Death Metal from which I will probably never recover.
When I first got into extreme metal, I listened to just about nothing but death metal. I ran a webzine for almost four years which caused me to become burnt out on death metal and metal and general for awhile.

I'd say my taste in music has changed rather drastically, especially in the last two or three years. I rarely listen to death metal these days and find myself listening to non-metal music that I would've made fun of people for liking when I was young and dumb.
They haven't changed all that much, tbh. I'm just taking a break from most extreme metal and revisiting stuff I haven't heard in years. The trip down memory lane has been totally worth it so far.
I used to be completely against anything heavier than say Iron Maiden or Megadeth... I slowly got into different forms of death metal over the years.. love it now.. I just didnt understand heavier music at the time.

I listen to a lot of other stuff too but not as much as metal..
I used to be completely against anything heavier than say Iron Maiden or Megadeth... I slowly got into different forms of death metal over the years.. love it now.. I just didnt understand heavier music at the time.

I listen to a lot of other stuff too but not as much as metal..

I was the exact opposite. if the music wasn't superfast or had blastbeats, I wasn't interested. but I've cast my ignorance aside and have discovered many great bands since then.
i have the same musical tastes that i've had since i got into metal but i've just gotten deeper and my tastes for the more, "starter", metal bands got shed away. oh and i went from hating slam death to fucking lovin it
I've always had great taste and I've never a bought an album I'm ashamed of.

so you blind albums blindly or do you preview them before?

My music preference hasn't changed much. I still love good techno, especially drum n' bass. I still loathe thrash metal and metallica. I still prefer releases post 1989, because for some reason I just cannot get into that classic sound which just annoys me. There are a few exceptions, (white lion, white snake, and others) but most of the music I listen to is 1990 and up.
5-6 years ago I predominantly listened to raw black metal (Belketre, Mutiilation, Dark Tribe, Ildjarn, Krieg, Katharsis, early Deathspell Omega, Beherit, etc) and old school death metal. Basically nothing at all with clean vocals. I still enjoy all those aforementioned bands (and I've never stopped listening to and loving old school death metal since I became obsessed with it some 5 years ago) but other than Ildjarn and Beherit, I seldom listen to them.

Nowadays I listen to a lot more thrash, speed and traditional/epic doom metal than I ever imagined. As far as black metal goes, I'm mostly limited to the 1st and 2nd waves. The modern stuff just doesn't do much for me these days, although there's a few notable exceptions.