How is COB live?

Dude, travelling 300KM is the NORMAL distance I go to see them (and most other concerts)... and in Demcember I have to go like 600-700KM. Stop whining. I real fan wouldn't bitch, he'd buy his tickets, go and find out for himself. Scratch that... a real fan wouldn't have any doubts.
wtf is your problem? it was a normal question. he doesnt whine. just because you're like aµgAlexi it doesnt mean everybody is.

and @topic: they're very good sometimes and they're very bad sometimes.. normally quite decent.
Hell yeah it's worth driving a long distance to see them. Most people are far away from shows like me but to see your fave bands, it's all worth it. I had to drive 6 hours to see them at Pheonix at Unholy Alliance. It was unbelievable! It was amazing. Even if their performances aren't alwayz that perfect, you can expect a lot of energy from the band all the time and just seeing that is enjoyable and gets you energized for the show. I mean if it looked like they didn't enjoy themselves and the performance was pretty good, it wouldn't be that fun. I'v only seen them one time but from the videos at youtubes, they do really good most of the time. I really need to see another show cuz i can't remember how unholy alliance went anymore.
How is COB live...hmm i would say pretty good...just that the concert i was to the sound fucking mutch bass and drumms and almost no guitar.....In Flames owned all :kickass:
Hell yeah it's worth driving a long distance to see them. Most people are far away from shows like me but to see your fave bands, it's all worth it. I had to drive 6 hours to see them at Pheonix at Unholy Alliance. It was unbelievable! It was amazing. Even if their performances aren't alwayz that perfect, you can expect a lot of energy from the band all the time and just seeing that is enjoyable and gets you energized for the show. I mean if it looked like they didn't enjoy themselves and the performance was pretty good, it wouldn't be that fun. I'v only seen them one time but from the videos at youtubes, they do really good most of the time. I really need to see another show cuz i can't remember how unholy alliance went anymore.
so did you meat alexi at last? and did he tell u he doesnt like you?
That was back in July and no i haven't met him but i will......sometime. And when i do, he won't hate me at all. I can't really decide how to approch him though. I was thinking i'd first tell him he rox. Then have a regular, long, conversation with him. And if the moment is right, tell him i love him and why. Hopefully, he'll take me seriously and won't laugh at me.
Great live- although the gig I saw them at in Melbourne was a Tuesday night affair and the band were a bit obscured on such a low stage. But generally it was great.

I'd love to see them in a larger venue with a clear stage.
Requiem: Same here. I saw one of their shows on t.v. and they had a huge-ass stage. For us, they played on the smallest stage smalll, their banner didn't fit. Everything was kinda squished together.
That was back in July and no i haven't met him but i will......sometime. And when i do, he won't hate me at all. I can't really decide how to approch him though. I was thinking i'd first tell him he rox. Then have a regular, long, conversation with him. And if the moment is right, tell him i love him and why. Hopefully, he'll take me seriously and won't laugh at me.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Im sure he wont laugh maybe just puke everywhere then run away and hang himself :lol:
Only saw them once on the Unholy Alliance tour. I thought they were good, but might have expected a little more. Hope to see them headlining soon.
When I first saw them, in 2004, they were supporting Iced Earth, and I didn't even known them back then. Well they stole the show and at least 1/2 of the crowd was clearly there for them. My jaw when on the floor. I still remember 'Sixpounder' it was the very first time I heard this song and I though it was amazing. I saw them 3 more times since that show and they kicked ass everytime

Cheers !
well both times ive seen them, they kicked ass!
the last time randy from lamb of god showed up and sang along with a song...
that was pritty cool.
I've seen them 6 or 7 times and, frankly speaking, I had already begun to think they always sound the same and give a(n excellent) show with no surprises. But at the Unholy Alliance show I got really excited - maybe it was because the bass was louder than usually. However, Alexi's speaks were as horrible as ever.
PowerMaiden: Oh yeah, Sixpounder totally kicked ass! That's the most nostalgic song ever. It's the only song i clearly remember them play and everytime i hear it, i still feel every emotion i had and everything i did.

Zombiefan: OMg, that sounds so awsome. I'd love to see Alexi and Randy on the same stage. I heard Randy also sang with that punk band at Gigan Tour.
I saw them on November the 3rd in Manchester. They were awesome. Tbh, I think they should have got the slot before Slayer. In Flames weren't as good.
But yeah, they were awesome, so good. Alexi improvised a lot of solo's and it worked perfectly. Roope did alot of crazy improvisations in between his rythm parts. The pits were insane.
My only complaint would be about the sound levels. Janne's Keyboard was pretty quiet.

And to everybody moaning about Alexi's use of whammy too much. Alexi started playing guitar because he heard Passion and Warfare by Steve Vai. One of the most influential guitarists in the world. Alexi adds a bit of variety to his live playing, and he does a really good job of it. Steve Vai's influence is shown in Alexi's solo work. if you can't respect Alexi's musical roots...well...Don't talk.
^well at the montreal show I didn't even see any emo kids, most of the guys were approximatively 17-20 years old. there was a lot of older people(mostly from 20-25, but i saw a couple of dads and a japanese women of about 35 that i tought must have been at tokyo warhearts :p )
^well at the montreal show I didn't even see any emo kids, most of the guys were approximatively 17-20 years old. there was a lot of older people(mostly from 20-25, but i saw a couple of dads and a japanese women of about 35 that i tought must have been at tokyo warhearts :p )

hahha ya i was there too! that girl ate a few hits from my friend in the trash...

anyway cob are so fucking great on stage..i went monday december 18th in montreal...3 bands in intro, who where fucking great, even amon amarth! i fuckin recommend it to everybody..cob live kicks ass
Emo kids???? COB are developing emo fans?! lOL. Most people at shows seem pretty old like 16 and older. There aren't too many young people over there.