How many CDs do you purchase per month?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Sometimes I step back and take a look at my CD collection and begin to feint!
It's over 1,700 strong, to date. I've been building it since about 1988 (when I first got a CD player, after having approx 400 vinyl records & cassettes).

Anyway, I spend waaaaaayyyyy too much money on music, but it's my passion, so be it.

On average, I pick up about 10 CDs per month.
How 'bout you?
10 cds per month on average ... that sounds about right hehehee I tend to spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much too .. its an addiction I am just not happy unless I am ripping into a new album :grin:
It depends, but usually 2 to 4 a month. That makes it to about one a week. The problem with buying a lot of CDs in a very short span of time is that I don't have enough time to really LISTEN to them, which is really the main point of buying CDs in the first place. Many albums require repeated listens before you really get into them and that doesn't happen if I'm constantly buying new stuff. There are several CDs in my collection that I have only listened to once or twice since I bought them precisely because of this.
Whenever i can buy one. No consistancy. Like last night, i bought Sepultura-Beneath The Remains and Running Wild-Port Royal. That might be it for this month. It all depends on how much money i can muster up, since i'm unemployed.
Depending some months nothing, this month I just ordered 9. Last month I got like 5-8. Depends a lot, but the last three years have been like over 350 (who said graduate school doesn't worth anything?)
Man... I used to buy a lot...about 10 a month, I'd say or as many as possible. Now, some of them were usually used. I spend a lot of time scouring the used bins. But in the last year becoming a father has made cd buying harder on the budget. I really only buy the ones I'm really stoked about or have been waiting forever to get. Shadows Fall is the last metal disc I bought and Social Distortion's new one is the last cd I bought.
Well, on average?! At least 5. Sometimes more it really depends..
In some cases if the disc is a stinker I burn a copy(just in case I want to waste my time again) & trade it in for something that's a sure thing. That is usually what happens with new releases by established bands, like Metallica, ect.
Remember St. Anger?!
Another one that comes to mind is Velvet Revolver's Contraband...
I probably get about 10 cds a month, plus trade for a bunch of live shows.
So, I usually have more new music than I'm able to listen to...
I've been collecting since '85, but the my number of purchases have been really irregular. But nowadays my passion for buying albums have been rekindled, and I guess I buy from 5 to 15 each month.
Varies, can be anywhere between 5-30 a month... depending on how destructive I am feeling :hypno:

Right now I am REALLY trying to cut back for a short time as I will be moving and my main concern is having to move all those CD's from one place to another :yell:
A lot less than I used to. When you don't live with your parents anymore that can be a real buzzkill on CD buying. The reality of paying my own rent has put it to about two a month.

But my 28 year-old friend who still lives with his father still manages to spend about $200 a month on music.
SoundMaster said:
Sometimes I step back and take a look at my CD collection and begin to feint!
It's over 1,700 strong, to date. I've been building it since about 1988 (when I first got a CD player, after having approx 400 vinyl records & cassettes).

Anyway, I spend waaaaaayyyyy too much money on music, but it's my passion, so be it.

On average, I pick up about 10 CDs per month.
How 'bout you?
I'm like's real easy for me to remember when I started foregoing the vinyl and going forward with CDs. I got my first CD player on Christmas 1989...and started collecting CDs in January 1990...

I have a metal collection about 1,200 strong (all purchased, doesn't include promos, freebies, CD-Rs, etc.) throughout the good times and the bad (financially speaking, as well as the death of "metal" in 90s...that's 6-7 CDs a month...

Not bad, I guess...

Rock on!