How many engineers here?

I´m studying bachelor of engineering in media-technics (at the HAW in Hamburg)

This includes
-audio engineering
-video engineering
-light engineering
-ditigal data technics (think of Shannon, Nyquist and Fourier ;) )
-and of course the first exams in (math, physics, electrical technics, informatic, :erk: )

We all as engineers should thank :notworthy Maxwell, Fourier, Shockley, nyquist, Fletcher-Munson and many non the less with the same contributions for making our lives as musicians and AE easier!!!!! :rock:

We rock!!!!:rock: heheh
I see a lot of Bachelors of engineering, but few masters. How long do you study for your bachelor because you seem to have decent jobs as engineers. I'm studiyng Bachelor of electrical engineering/ Information technology in germany myself, which lasts 3 years. But after that I will definately do my Master (that now replaces the old Diploma in germany) cause our professors ( not only in my University also in other uni's) keep telling us, that if you leave with the bachelor (in germany) you'll only be half an engineer and the only Jobs you'll get is a job as electrician, not the engineer but the one who changes the fucking light bulbs. But in U.S. and other countrys things seem to be different.
Some german;)
In deutschland ist das alles ein bisschen scheiße!!!!
Bei mir an der HAW hat sich im bereich Medientechnik kaum was geändert (der stoff ist teilweise aber schwerer im Inhalt)
An der hamburger uni entspricht der Bachelor in Physik dem VOR-Diplom....
Also es ist leider von FH zu FH und Uni zu Uni unterschiedlich!!!!

Die Maschinen-bauer unternehmen freuen sich aber auf die Bachelors, weil die noch formbarer sind, und sowieso in ihrem speziellen fach zusätzlich ausgebildet werden müssen (weil sehr großen spektrum)
Dude, that is really fucking cool :kickass:

Thanks man. It is very rewarding to see something you have worked on so long bear fruit. But I am glad that the project is wrapping up now. I have worked on some parts of that cranes design until I wanted to pull my hair out. Two years is a long time.

This model is already selling faster than they can build it. Were also getting one CE stamped and ready to go to Germany soon. Hopefully it keeps selling really good and I get contracted to design another new crane model and can pay the bills for another two years.
Thanks man. It is very rewarding to see something you have worked on so long bear fruit. But I am glad that the project is wrapping up now. I have worked on some parts of that cranes design until I wanted to pull my hair out. Two years is a long time.

This model is already selling faster than they can build it. Were also getting one CE stamped and ready to go to Germany soon. Hopefully it keeps selling really good and I get contracted to design another new crane model and can pay the bills for another two years.

>Crane Power!!!!:flame:
I'm at work (reading the forum) LoL. And I was wondering How many here in the forum have an Engineer Major and what is about?
I start.

I'm an Electronics and telecommunication Engineer!

Who else?

Cheers :kickass:

I'm just finishing same thing as you dude :kickass: Though I chosen Electronis(we have to chose here after second year if we go Electronics or Telecomms, then after some short time we pick speciality up)

Fourier and Laplace(how could you forget about him!) are your friends.
I don't have an engineering degree, but I've tutored bazillions of them.

(I don't know if Mexico keeps a leash on their aspiring electrical engineers more effectively than we do, but the joke goes that the difference between God and an electrical engineer is that God doesn't think he's an electrical engineer. Hopefully this is a local phenomenon and you're all right.)

Some german;)
In deutschland ist das alles ein bisschen scheiße!!!!
Bei mir an der HAW hat sich im bereich Medientechnik kaum was geändert (der stoff ist teilweise aber schwerer im Inhalt)
An der hamburger uni entspricht der Bachelor in Physik dem VOR-Diplom....
Also es ist leider von FH zu FH und Uni zu Uni unterschiedlich!!!!

Die Maschinen-bauer unternehmen freuen sich aber auf die Bachelors, weil die noch formbarer sind, und sowieso in ihrem speziellen fach zusätzlich ausgebildet werden müssen (weil sehr großen spektrum)
Ja in deutschland ist es im moment echt scheiße zu studieren. Bei uns hat sich am studienplan auch nichts geändert. Vor-Dplom heißt halt jetz bachelor und so.
wundert mich halt nur dass in anderen Ländern dann soviele mit bachelor abgehen.

Basically studying in germany is pretty shitty right now, because of the change over from diploma to Bachelor/master.
Seems the german government really fucked this one up, seeing that in germany the bachelor is somehow a worthless piece of shit (in most field of studies) unlike it's American Role model. we'll see if the bachelor can establish himself in german industry/society.
i'd like to be an electrical engineer or a mechanical engineer. I need to make the decision in this month. It's very hard. I would rather learn audio engineering or something similar, but i couldn't find a job here with that diploma. that sucks. The music business is dead here, only the 'major" and expensive studios are working.

Ich habe auch das Gedacht gehabt, im Österreich zu lernen. Aber ihr schreibt die ausbildung ist in Ausland auch nicht so gut? Wie sind euere meinung? Ich würde es gern hören.
i'd like to be an electrical engineer or a mechanical engineer. I need to make the decision in this month. It's very hard. I would rather learn audio engineering or something similar, but i couldn't find a job here with that diploma. that sucks. The music business is dead here, only the 'major" and expensive studios are working.

Choosing Electrical over Audio will give you an infinite number of possibilities in all the aspects of your music! You could design the next axe-fx :) ;) more confidently build your own amp,fix gear etc! Although a lot of the analogue stuff is considered much easier than digital. Go with electrical and if you're in doubt in your course/need it to be more interesting just try and apply all the stuff you are learning to the music i.e in first year you'll probably learn lots of stuff on filters hp/lp/band-pass/comb. I'm really getting into DSP programming in matlab atm.

And to Darthcupboardy:

Germany has pretty intensive programmes for engineering - I think most of the good universities there make it compulsory to have at least 1 full year of business/finance training before becoming an engineer as part of your degree. A bachelors/masters choice is what i'm going through right now.Bachelors is acceptable but I was speaking to my best friends dad who is lecturer here at the University of Edinburgh (where I am) and he told me that the masters degree is now considered 'the standard' by most companies and that it's harder to get the full CEng title if you leave with just a bachelors.
I don't have an engineering degree, but I've tutored bazillions of them.

(I don't know if Mexico keeps a leash on their aspiring electrical engineers more effectively than we do, but the joke goes that the difference between God and an electrical engineer is that God doesn't think he's an electrical engineer. Hopefully this is a local phenomenon and you're all right.)


LoL at the Uni we has some jokes and we to make the difference between the Electrical and the Electronic Engineers.
The first ones make the electrical installations, the second ones are semi-gods....the really difference is that the electrical engineers know more about power electronics and electronics Engineers know more about small signal analysis (low power electronics).
But i don't like to make any differences though... IMHO I think that studying a major in electrics or electronics gives you a very wide view in many topics and still we have a lot to learn so....

I'm just finishing same thing as you dude Though I chosen Electronis(we have to chose here after second year if we go Electronics or Telecomms, then after some short time we pick speciality up)

Fourier and Laplace(how could you forget about him!) are your friends.
:kickass: Cheers man! Welcome to the hordes!!! :lol:
Choosing Electrical over Audio will give you an infinite number of possibilities in all the aspects of your music! You could design the next axe-fx :) ;) more confidently build your own amp,fix gear etc! Although a lot of the analogue stuff is considered much easier than digital. Go with electrical and if you're in doubt in your course/need it to be more interesting just try and apply all the stuff you are learning to the music i.e in first year you'll probably learn lots of stuff on filters hp/lp/band-pass/comb. I'm really getting into DSP programming in matlab atm.

+1 Yeah!!! Electrical or electronics give you a very solid base if in the future you want to study audio.
Bachelors is acceptable but I was speaking to my best friends dad who is lecturer here at the University of Edinburgh (where I am) and he told me that the masters degree is now considered 'the standard' by most companies and that it's harder to get the full CEng title if you leave with just a bachelors.
Basically that's the consensus about bachelor in germany too, thank you :kickass: