How many tickets are still available then?

well i know that there are trains from sheffield, i think maybe there are buses... possibly the X33 but i know not if this is a sheffield bus... check your bus station or summit... id offer for you to crash at mine but its a full house this weekend.. Itll finish reasonably early though so you could probably manage a bus back... Or a taxi, that would be a fair bit though... Itd be worth it mind, Conquest are an excellent live experience by all accounts! Bitch Of Steel!
Twould be good to see you mate, i think conquest are only playing a short set so were planning to go to the pub afterwards to round the night off although wakefield pubsa re limited...
Actually, saying that we have the most pubs per square mile or something but theyre all full of scally wankers... theres nowhere particularly metal so we shall head to anywhere that sells ale!
They aren't pubs per square mile, they are fucking vodka dispensing chrome 'bars'.
It will be good to see t'real Eagle and the rest of you there. Should be a fun night, I hope.
im not fake damn it, just coz i took a mould of eagle and made ironeagle to take of the known free world, it doesnt make me a fake...

f**k me im dying inside,
youve destroyed my entire bieng,
why, why did you say i was fake,
im melting
wait iron cant melt, infadel!!!! mwhahaha! the end is nearing for you!
Chill fellas!

There's room on this forum for both ironeagle and Eagle.

Hopefully I'll be coming to Conquest Of Steel - I'll have to take my car though - Is there decent parking nearby? Also how much to get in and can someone please give me directions from the M62 Eastbound?!
I can't give you directions but apparently the doors are free, and you shouldn't have trouble getting a parking space right outside the pub provided you get there reasonably early (band come on at 8).

For directions, use - it's the only site you will ever need!
Glyn, if you follow the signs for wakefield from the M62 you cant go wrong, once you get into wakefield you just have to findthe road heading out to barnsley and the snooty fox is on th left but its very hard to see from the road, still in the centre-ish... hard to describe... if you cant find it on multimap then if you want me to write some detailed instructions i could but they could end up being rather complicated... the easy thing to do is get into wakey and then ask a local looking person (someone in a cap wearing a tracksuit most likely) for some directions, most people know where it is...
I'd try make it between 8.00 and 8.30 if I were you, because on the conquest site it says Doors 8.00 which might mean band just after or anything up to one hour later, who knows? the pub is open from early though... so just get there when you can. It will be damn fun, they are class guys.