How much loyalty to any one band?

I tend to end up owning full discographies (minus a lot of the out of print shit) of bands I like pretty quickly. I even own all the albums by many bands that I was introduced to in the past year or two, and for the most part I'm glad!
I want to own every song from bands that I like. Albums with a lot of old songs really piss me off because they're only there to waste my money.
While I'd like to own every song from my favourite bands, I don't want to buy every last disc from any bands except KISS and I'm not very fond of live songs except for the Alizée En Concert tracks so I don't plan on getting many live CDs any time soon.
I usually don't have entire discographies, with a few exceptions. I will often try to have a majority of the albums by bands I really like. Often I'm missing a thing or two that's out of print, hard to find, or just an EP.
I try to limit myself to two or three albums by one band, but the more I explore each one, the more differences I find between them, which influences my decision to buy more of their albums. This is what's happening to me with Krisiun right now and it's driving me nuts because there are other bands I need to get into.
I'll probably end up with the full discographies of all the bands I really like. I mean, if you like a band, then you want to hear more of their songs instead of repeating 1 or 2 Cds over again. Oftimes I am reluctant to backtrack through discographies though. Hearing each album progressivly worse is not that fun. same with bands that are getting more commercial and washed up. The only band that I currently own the full studio discography of is king crimson. I'll have Judas priest pretty soon here as well.
I'll normally try to get every album from a band i really like, and the band is just amazing. but its a little hard for me since i have to do a lot of hunting since i dont have a computer at home.