How much metal on your iPod?

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I use a cell phone simply to call and, on occasion, be called. That's all I need it for and all they should be needed for.
I use a cell phone simply to call and, on occasion, be called. That's all I need it for and all they should be needed for.

New cell phones are ridiculous. I can not stand my friends who use it to listen to music and watch movies.

Also, I dont understand how a person can put only one earbud, let alone use earbuds instead of headphones, in one ear and leave one out.
I've only got a 4GB iPod Nano that I switch music in and out of every 3 days or so. Right now it's about 80% metal, the rest noise and jazz. Usually I have around 70-80% metal, while the other 30-20% is dedicated to whatever genre I'm binging on besides metal (usually jazz, noise, or other random shit).
One of harddrives is unplugged so only got 180gb / 83 days of music on PC but typing 'metal' comes up with 40 days of music, folk 10 days, classical 5days and I cba looking now because, yeah.
The only metal amount of gigs is 666 gigs.

I had 66.6 once, does that count?

I don't have a mp3 player anymore (stupid shitty walmart brands) but I'm kicking it old school with a CD player. Most of the CD's are metal, except for a couple rush and post rock albums.
right now i only have five tracks on my ipod... and they are all pieces that my friend and i are composing for an album of keyboard based music
Nobody used to have cell phones, and we survived. What the heck do I need a cell phone for? It's just another expense, and it's an electronic leash, and it is unnecessary.

People used to not have soap, either, you know. New =/= unnecessary. I should think the convenience of having a phone you can carry with you would be obvious.
People used to not have soap, either, you know. New =/= unnecessary. I should think the convenience of having a phone you can carry with you would be obvious.

Your inequality is correct, and I do see where a cell phone could be convenient at times. But the level of usefulness for me does not justify the cost, and the inconvenience of carrying it around.

Beyond that I think too many people view too many things as necessities these days. So many kids have cell phones, it's crazy! This society is too materialistic and too prone to feel entitled to everything.
I have one. I carry it around with me all the time. People rarely call me. When I use it it's usually at home, because I have everyone's number in it. It's marginally useful. My parents gave it to me for my birthday. It wasn't a bad gift, but I didn't particularly desire one and I wouldn't have any problem not owning one.

Before it got stolen, my Zen Vision M (30 gb) had about 270 albums on it, about 90 percent metal.
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