How much metal on your iPod?

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Your inequality is correct, and I do see where a cell phone could be convenient at times. But the level of usefulness for me does not justify the cost, and the inconvenience of carrying it around.

Beyond that I think too many people view too many things as necessities these days. So many kids have cell phones, it's crazy! This society is too materialistic and too prone to feel entitled to everything.

While I respect you for not conforming, it's eventually going to become a "need" in society. Especially since pay phones are starting to disappear, so it'll be hard to contact anyone outside of your house. I will say though that peoples' dependencies on cellphones nowadays are of my best buddies lost his cellphone on the weekend, and now he acts as if it's the end of his life. I got mugged of mine once, and I didn't give a shit...just buy a new one eventually if it means that much to you, which it definitely shouldn't.
Your inequality is correct, and I do see where a cell phone could be convenient at times. But the level of usefulness for me does not justify the cost, and the inconvenience of carrying it around.

Beyond that I think too many people view too many things as necessities these days. So many kids have cell phones, it's crazy! This society is too materialistic and too prone to feel entitled to everything.

so the cost of a cell phone wouldn't be worth it if you drove off the side of a road and no-one knew where you were and you needed to get to the hospital badly?
I don't have an ipod but im sure they're cool,can you fit shitloads of your cd's on them?would save a lot of time and also wear and tear on the cd's but i worry that these kind of things(downloading ect) might one day be the final nail in bands actually putting out albums
I use my stereo CD player when my roommate is at class and I feel like taking a nap with music playing. Otherwise I'm at my computer with the iTunes going through headphones.
I don't have an ipod but im sure they're cool,can you fit shitloads of your cd's on them?would save a lot of time and also wear and tear on the cd's but i worry that these kind of things(downloading ect) might one day be the final nail in bands actually putting out albums

Yeah, I don't download so that's what I use mine for. I just store my CDs on it. I do still throw CDs in the stereo from time to time, but mostly I just use them in the car. When I'm listening to music in my room, it's usually on the iPod. And, of course, if I want to listen to music, say, on the train or something, it's nice to have everything on one little compact device instead of carrying around a big CD players and some CDs.
While I respect you for not conforming, it's eventually going to become a "need" in society. Especially since pay phones are starting to disappear, so it'll be hard to contact anyone outside of your house. I will say though that peoples' dependencies on cellphones nowadays are shocking...

Yeah, that's the thing. Pay phones are disappearing.

My wife got one of those cheap Jump Mobile phones that you basically buy time for as you go. It works out to cost very little, compared to most regular plans, but it can only be used in town. We got it to replace her pager, which she bought to make sure she could be contacted by our son in case of emergency.

I can see the eventual possibility of me carrying that thing, and her getting a phone that we could also use on vacation.

I hate belts.
I own a Creative Zen Vision W :)

At the time, I only bought the 30GB, so I've got 30GB of music (around 3500 songs I think). However, lately I've been decreasing the amount of metal, for non-metal stuff.

I'm just gonna guess and say its around 65-70% metal on there.
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