How Much You Bench?

so whenever "trans" people are on the news, it's always just tons of articles about these male-to-female ones
what about the female-to-male tans people?? we almost never hear about them doing shit except Ellen Page turning into Elliott
so whenever "trans" people are on the news, it's always just tons of articles about these male-to-female ones
what about the female-to-male tans people?? we almost never hear about them doing shit except Ellen Page turning into Elliott

Bruce Jenner is running for Governor or Governess or something, right?
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what about the female-to-male tans people??

I got no qualm with women lathering up dudes who are trying to catch some rays. If college co-eds blowing toothless geriatrics doesnt raise a furrow in my brow, tanning sure wont.

When I was 19 I felt a huge Californian pressure to get some color to my skin. Got a membership to the local salon to get some color baked in to this ashen hue. Drove all the way to faggy WeHo to lay in a UV bed so I didnt look like Demilich's long lost Canadian cousin dontchaknow. What a waste of money. Though I did hit on the beautiful af front desk bint. Didnt go anywhere aside me dropping a compliment. I was quite complimentary to any bint who I found beautiful in my late teens. Which was odd as the years that followed were very misanthropic and not as forthcoming. Wonder what went wrong? Not the worst trait to have twenty yrs ago. Would get ye cancelled nowadays.

P.S Fuck tranny filth
If anyone supports this, please explain how it is physically fair. I truly would like to know. I workout every day in co-ed classes and I can tell you even the newbie guys can usually lift more than a lot of the girls that have been there a while. It's science.

Funny how the feminists are keeping mega quiet and sticking their collective heads in the sand on this one.

The wokies ruin everything. It's why we can't have nice things.
I support her being included, but the sport seems flawed and far from ready for it. The weight classes should be arranged by muscle mass if they can pick a good way to measure that, maybe some other parameters. So lifters could compete against each other more fairly without needing men/women divides. Brings @Reign in Acai's face vs stomach thread to mind as you'd end up with male twinks up against super musk oxen, sure to bring entertainment.

'Cuz they know it would be stupid for them to get into sports due to the DISadvantage from that side.
In some sports they ought to have an advantage, eg. horse racing/show jumping, or go-karting.
I support her being included, but the sport seems flawed and far from ready for it. The weight classes should be arranged by muscle mass if they can pick a good way to measure that, maybe some other parameters. So lifters could compete against each other more fairly without needing men/women divides.

Why would we need to get rid of male/female divides? To make one dude feel better and included? Yet we ignore the actual female competitors?

Again, how is this fair to the actual females?

How about trans olympics? After all, we have the special olympics.
How about trans olympics? After all, we have the special olympics.
trans olymics?? and then what?? we go back to race-seperating athletes and go back to the whites-only leagues and the negro leagues because black people are better than white people at sports??
We arent talking about race. We are talking about a male who wants to compete with biological females because he "feels" he is a woman.

Thats fine. Whatever. Why cant he simply compete with other dudes who want to be chicks? Thats what Im saying.

Imagine everyones reaction if a normal male or female all of a sudden said "I feel like a down syndrome kid and want to compete with them." Is that fair to the retards in the special olympics?
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Why would we need to get rid of male/female divides? To make one dude feel better and included? Yet we ignore the actual female competitors?

Again, how is this fair to the actual females?
The reason for getting rid of male/female divides would be because they don't cover all the possible combinations that occur in reality, eg.
you may be genetically male or female, chromosomally male or female, hormonally male/female/non-binary, with cells that may or may not hear the male/female/non-binary call, and all this leading to a body that can be male/non-binary/female

I didn't say it was fair now. I said it could be made fair. Or at least far more fair than it is now. If they simply had people of similar ability compete against each other, eg. having similar muscle mass, then they wouldn't need to worry about the above. The trans women would find themselves competing against men again whenever no women are up to their level, but without any bother about the construction of their junk.
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If this freak show chopped off its cock and injected a shit ton of estrogen until it lookd semi passable, then maybe I wouldnt be spewing patriarchal bile from my binary umbilical. This fuggin dude looks like fucking Profanity after being sponsored by Cellucor.

This shit wont end either, because everyone is oh so fuggin tolerant and desirous of going to the grave feeling like warm hearted balls of glee. Why? Who the flying fuck do you have to answer to other than the mirror? Fuck trannies, I hope their gashes all get infected.

Just this week, big scandal at Wi Spa when a BME gasher whipped his hog out in the female sauna. Ofcourse all the betas ran to HIS aid when a lovely black woman spoke out. Then ye got another lady larper winning Miss FN NEVADA FFS.
professional boxing and college Greco-Roman wrestling already kinda have this
it's called "weight class"
Olympic weight lifting has weight classes too. The heavyweight women's class is only 191lb+, but I'm saying it really needs to be based on muscle weight only as that's the part of their weight that does the lifting.