How Much You Bench?

They absolutely should. But, I guess it depends on goals.
I guess we'll part company on this one. There are many schools of thought that believe you should never go to failure. And even those that advocate failure reps, rarely advocate working every set in a session to failure. Among other issues, it can lead to CNS burnout. Additionally, if you believe in the concept of muscle memory, you're effectively training your muscles to fail, as it's the last thing they did. Lastly, consistently putting your muscles in a state where they are incapable of executing the exercise, will eventually lead to injury.

That said, NEVER EVER EVER EEEEVVVER sacrifice FORM for weight/reps/whatever.
I agree, form shouldn't be sacrificed. And I've never seen anyone maintain good during a failure rep. If you think about it, it's counter-intuitive; your muscles have failed, but you're able to move them in the exact fashion you wish? More likely, under the duress of muscle failure, you're no longer cognizant of your form breaking down. You may be the exception to the rule in regard to this.

I guess we'll part company on this one. There are many schools of thought that believe you should never go to failure. And even those that advocate failure reps, rarely advocate working every set in a session to failure. Among other issues, it can lead to CNS burnout. Additionally, if you believe in the concept of muscle memory, you're effectively training your muscles to fail, as it's the last thing they did. Lastly, consistently putting your muscles in a state where they are incapable of executing the exercise, will eventually lead to injury.

I agree, form shouldn't be sacrificed. And I've never seen anyone maintain good during a failure rep. If you think about it, it's counter-intuitive; your muscles have failed, but you're able to move them in the exact fashion you wish? More likely, under the duress of muscle failure, you're no longer cognizant of your form breaking down. You may be the exception to the rule in regard to this.


Yeah, we will agree to disagree. But like I said, its not for beginners. Also, it's not THAT hard to maintain proper form if you have a good training partner.....which I dont have anymore. :(

I agree about CNS burnout but that is where recovery time comes into play.

ALSO, I wouldnt advise going to failure on every set if you are training high volume. That's just stupid.

High volume is for the birds. Don't pay attention to the egotistical Pro's you see in FLEX, listing their routines.
My sets never go above three, and my reps never go above eight. Usually if I do a failure set it is the last rep in the last set of a move, and only on the really big lift of the day, ie squats, dips, or deadlifts.
High volume is for the birds. Don't pay attention to the egotistical Pro's you see in FLEX, listing their routines.

haha I remember being at the gym and my brother would come in and do like a total of 5 reps and then go home hahaha it was hilarious. He benched 550 the last I heard.
High volume is for the birds. Don't pay attention to the egotistical Pro's you see in FLEX, listing their routines.
On this, we're back to agreeing. Pro workout routines are for pro bodybuilders (people who are juicing).

When you knock high volume, what sort of volume are we talking? And what sort of rep ranges do you typically work in?

So my two friends and I hit up a sportsy gym yesterday that had more amenities than Suspiria has head lice. After a 1 hour sales pitch from the gym jockey we wind up in the free weights area. I, bored out of my mind and eager to actually do something involving physical activity stare off in to space, while my one chum stares at a negress doing a set of cable cross-overs. We ascend the steps to the next level, in the midst of this climb, a hideous negar whose gender remains unknown to this very moment. (I say it was a male, my buddy says it was a female, my 2nd friend was unsure.) Somebody call Florida for a recount. Anywho, to make a long story short, this filthy disgusting ill-bred walking plantain with lips looking bitch begins giving my chum the stink eye out of nowhere. He replies, can I help you with something? Well "IT" just continues eyeing him like he was a ripe watermelon. Several minutes later we walk back downstairs and notice that this ambigiously A-Sexual simian is complaining to management over my comrades t-shirt that read "Sunshine Death Squadron" which bore the Schutzstaffel's insignia in place of where the S should be.

Filthy fucking negroes can walk around in public with their black history month b.s championing Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther Vandross, and an honest hardworking white american who supports these limb-to-limb freestyling farrakhans can't wear a shirt that supports German military prowess? Fucking Bullshit!!!
On this, we're back to agreeing. Pro workout routines are for pro bodybuilders (people who are juicing).

When you knock high volume, what sort of volume are we talking? And what sort of rep ranges do you typically work in?


I'm knocking the people who look at those stupid regimens that they see in FLEX Magazine, and try to replicate it. Going 15-20 sets per bodypart, spending two hours in the gym, etc etc....

Low Volume/High Intensity is where it is at.
Low Volume/Low Intensity = lazy
High Voume/High Intensity = overtraining
High Volume/Low Intensity = alot of work and a lot of wasted time for minimal returns.

But thats just me. Everyone's body reacts differently to things. That's the beauty of it. To find what works best for YOU, comes from experience, and obviously trying everything under the sun. Also, goals make a huge difference as well.

As far as rep range on a straight set, I usually stick between 6-8 reps. NEVER more than 10, where I feel after that you are working too much of the slow-twitch muscle fibers which doesnt have anything to do with growth. Only time I go higher is with quads...try doing a 20rep set of squats or hack squats every now and then and BOOM, besides your ass falling out of you.

I have been recently getting into DC Training, dont know if you are familiar with it Zod.
Muscles grow as a response to progressively increasing resistance. That's it. I question the idea that people respond to different regimens, exercises, angles, etc. Now, what does preclude and influence gains is a person's genetics. I wish I could go deeper than that but I'd have to talk to a geneticist or maybe an evolutionary biologist. But, long story short, you're either going to gain easily or it's going to be a very long road. In the end, you're only going to get as big and strong as your body will allow with its "programming". There's no such thing as "shaping" or "toning" exercise or "angle" movements. Muscles are muscles. They are dumb. People have a peak in their biceps because it's already there, not because they did 45 reps of 8 sets of preacher curls.
Muscles grow as a response to progressively increasing resistance. That's it. I question the idea that people respond to different regimens, exercises, angles, etc. Now, what does preclude and influence gains is a person's genetics. I wish I could go deeper than that but I'd have to talk to a geneticist or maybe an evolutionary biologist. But, long story short, you're either going to gain easily or it's going to be a very long road. In the end, you're only going to get as big and strong as your body will allow with its "programming". There's no such thing as "shaping" or "toning" exercise or "angle" movements. Muscles are muscles. They are dumb. People have a peak in their biceps because it's already there, not because they did 45 reps of 8 sets of preacher curls.


Genetics play a HUUUUUGE role.
I'm knocking the people who look at those stupid regimens that they see in FLEX Magazine, and try to replicate it. Going 15-20 sets per bodypart, spending two hours in the gym, etc etc...
Agreed on Flex. I haven't spent a lot of time with these mags, but someone was telling me that Muscle and Fitness is a pretty solid magazine. He said he knows one of the writers and they really do their homework before advocating a routine or diet. But in general, these magazines have one real goal; sell magazines, not make people better.

Low Volume/High Intensity is where it is at.
Low Volume/Low Intensity = lazy
High Voume/High Intensity = overtraining
High Volume/Low Intensity = alot of work and a lot of wasted time for minimal returns.
The overtraining issue is an interesting one. It's an unclear line. Out of all the aspects of how to approach training, I've come to suspect that what constitutes overtraining may be the most individual.

But thats just me. Everyone's body reacts differently to things. That's the beauty of it. To find what works best for YOU, comes from experience, and obviously trying everything under the sun. Also, goals make a huge difference as well.
Agreed. I had been working in the 4 - 6 rep range, but feel it's no longer yielding results.

As far as rep range on a straight set, I usually stick between 6-8 reps. NEVER more than 10, where I feel after that you are working too much of the slow-twitch muscle fibers which doesnt have anything to do with growth.
I'm not certain that's completely true. While it would appear that they don't contribute to growth in the same way that fast-twitch muscles do, I suspect there are some positives in straying into the 12 rep range on occasion.

Only time I go higher is with quads...try doing a 20rep set of squats or hack squats every now and then and BOOM, besides your ass falling out of you.
I think I'd :Puke:.

I have been recently getting into DC Training, dont know if you are familiar with it Zod.
Essentially rest/pause training, right?

Yo Ken, What supplements are you on my negar?!?! I'm about as focused on getting in tip top condition as MajestikMoose is on losing his virginity.

Here's some shite I've been consuming to turn me from Kevin James in to Kevin Levrone.

Cytosport - Cytomax electrolyte performance energy drink
Optimum Nutrition Whey - Considering jumping to that Reeves shit you suggested
Occasional Dytametadrine Xtreme for Fat Burning
Need to purchase a multi-vi
Internet Porn

Primary Food Sources
Grilled Chicken
Diced ham and Egg Omelettes
Chunk Lite Tuna Straight from Can
Turkey Cold Cuts
Fruity fruits
Shit of that nature
Carbs = Brown Rice, and alot of yadda

Purchasing a second gym membership soon. I currently have bally's for $14 a month. Going to pick up a month to month 24 hour fitness membership to play b-ball and chill in the steam room with all the other sweaty porkers. Haven't had a beer since HCII. Feeling pretty damn good.

I used to have some of the most intense workouts known to man. Over the past years that intensity has been lost. I blame it on hooking up with this fat broad who made my life miserable for 2 and a half years and almost suckered me in to marriage. My arse dropped an inch after every fucking. It was as if I was absorbing her fat molecules. Fuck this!!! White Power!
lmao @ that entire post. you should just stick to the optimum protein or w/e is cheaper imho. For your goals, you dont have to wory much about the extreme particulars. Any good whey blend will suffice for ya.

Ill get back to this after I get back from my cardio session that I have to leave for now. Since Ive been out of work for the past week, Ive been doing split sessions everyday.

Also, I wouldnt worry about all the shit im taking either but if you wish....
RiA - So, what the fuck are your goals? To lose that keg you carry around?

Negromunch - sure thing. A lot of that basic info you can find by googling on workout techniques etc, but if you have anything particular to ask...fuck it.

I'm currently running a CKD, and carbing up every 10 days or whenever my body tells me that it's time. Of the shit Im curently supplementing my regime with is:

Reeves Ultimate Whey
NOW ADAM Superior Multivitamin
Reeves Micronized Glutamine
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Calcium (due to the diet...dont take supplemental calcium unless you arent taking in any dairy at all w/i your diet)
Vitamin C
the occasional L-Tyrosine
Creatine Ethyl Ester
Grape Seed Extract

uh, i think thats all of it.