How nany of you think, Symphonyx should play in Latin America?

Originally posted by Luis

Im not asking if symphonyx shuld play in my contry, Understood?
Im asking about a Continent.

Am i selfish? You have already seen Symphonyx in USA.......

Actually I have seen them twice and I had to fly over 12000 miles to do it, this is the price we pay for liking the music we do so much. I am going to be flying to Atlanta again this November for PPUSA 3.0, big band for me this time is Angra.

PleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytourPleasecometobrazilintheodysseytour :lol: :cry:
Hey Luis de que parte de Mexico eres?

I would sure like to see SymX play anywhere in Latin America, of course here in Mexico would rock. I'll be making a road trip to Houston though, so I guess I'm pretty lucky to be close to the U.S. in comparison with people in South America.
Originally posted by Dado-x
I personally don't think they should play in South America.
I mean, it's not like I live there or something. :grin:

I would shoot you for that comment


Tank ready also



dam i'm on a bluesy rock mood today:eek:
oh check out your thread ''do you think the syx guys ever read this board''? Snow posted the thread that russell made