How nany of you think, Symphonyx should play in Latin America?

it's very hard to recall but I think that is Lamento Borincano a composition by Rafael Hernandez and Marc Anthony sang it on a tribute album to him. Does the song that you are talking about have some trumpets and timbals rambling before he sings that puerto ricoooo!!!!! part?

oh man after reading what I said it strook me as funny:lol:
that may be it, he was a composer way back then. Hummm I think i'm going to my latin mood now :lol:

great song i've always loved it:)
Originally posted by HallowedOne
Hey Luis de que parte de Mexico eres?

I would sure like to see SymX play anywhere in Latin America, of course here in Mexico would rock. I'll be making a road trip to Houston though, so I guess I'm pretty lucky to be close to the U.S. in comparison with people in South America.

Del Df y tu?

They must play in LatinAmerica, specially in Mexico, here we are many, many fans.
I heard they're coming to Brazil in january, still negociating. I heard its just a matter of places where the show will be realized. YET, its nothing certain.

I just tied my fingers with a rope, they're crossed, and i wont take the rope off 'till they COME.

So, if anyone from SX sees this FORUM, PLEASE COME TO BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!


hum i heard they will come on next year for sure.. (though the damned dollar problem here in Brazil is making all concerts get cancelled, but i guess next year it'll be better..)
so.. lets pray lol :grin:
Originally posted by Dado-x
You know, I always liked that song that goes like
"Ayayayayaya Puerto Rico..." very much. Who sang that? Great song...

Just taking a wild guess here, but could it not be "I like to be in America" from West side story?
Originally posted by Dado-x
I personally don't think they should play in South America.
I mean, it's not like I live there or something. :grin:

And I personally think your comment does not have any sense.
America is 1 continent and We all have the same right to see our favorite band live ;)

I live in Caracas, Venezuela :)
Well, I have seen Symphony X live only once so far, next year my plans are to see them at least three times over here in Germany (one on my birthday). They won't play my hometown, so I have to travel again, but I don't mind.

Anyway, I have a nice buddy (a guitarist) in Russia, who is dying to see them too, since Symphony X is one of his all-time favorite bands. So, I will do my best to get him over here to Germany ;)

Symphony X should play wherever possible.