How old are you?

dead6skin6mask6 said:
16... and i have a job that pays $7.50 an hour

man, that is awesome. Thank you for this valuable information. Such honesty, integrity, and pure diligence in your field (providing valuable information) is so hard to come by these days. Wow, honestly i dont...i dont know where i'm going with this.

So...where do you work?

-aw...vaganus isn't a face...?
dead6skin6mask6 said:
hey frets, lighten up, maybe thats why you're a virgin and 40 years old. i posted that info because i read the name of the topic, and went to the last page and replied.

dude, i'm fine, really, i was kidding man, note the "lol" smiley and the use of the word vaganus.

I know we had a little spat or what not when i first posted but come on now, i was just jackin around

also note my self mockery in "i don't know where i'm going with this"

aaanyhow...where do you work? - i'm serious

btw, i'm only 17 :lol:
Wolftribe said:

I shall...

A "vaganus" is the term used to describe what happens to a woman's anatomy when she engages in sexual intercourse with an exceptionally large (in the cock area, medically speaking) man. The penis stretches out the vagina until it becomes very close to the anus in appearance, and the two are hard to distinguish from each other. Hence the term "vaganus".

I did not make this up and it is delightfully disgusting I know...

Also - please note that this condition is not permanent, and this being the case, women should not be afraid to have sex with me.
Well...i think that's what's been scaring them off...when i rock out with my cock out, it seems to have an adverse affect on the ladies.

Ah, yes, life is hard and long when you have a novelty-sized penis.

It's also full of semen...hahaha

kind of like LoM's tower.