Soul of Ice Rusted Angel Jul 29, 2002 1,178 1 38 41 Yonkers Visit site May 28, 2003 #22 7255 days old
Polyeidus I know you're out there Feb 6, 2003 880 69 28 48 NC, USA May 28, 2003 #24 -=1/4 of a century=-
Hyoukinmono Real Man Nov 19, 2002 310 0 16 Arizona Visit site May 29, 2003 #25 40 in September. Pharaoh's got me beat, but I beat Lady of the Oracle by a couple of months. We'll have to have a Rascal race or something. "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
40 in September. Pharaoh's got me beat, but I beat Lady of the Oracle by a couple of months. We'll have to have a Rascal race or something. "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Polyeidus I know you're out there Feb 6, 2003 880 69 28 48 NC, USA May 29, 2003 #26 heheheheh
Janina Pure Maiden Of Finland Dec 28, 2002 1,762 18 38 Finland Visit site May 29, 2003 #27 27, but I feel like a teenager
FLechdrop Member Sep 16, 2002 813 5 18 38 Amstelveen, Holland Visit site May 29, 2003 #28 16, soon 17
S shredmaster Member Mar 26, 2003 232 0 16 Hodneland Visit site May 29, 2003 #29 I turned 16 nearly two months ago......
underullospell RULLO AND ME! OMG Jan 15, 2003 430 0 16 50 Ohio Visit site May 31, 2003 #30 "29" here! looking down the "30's" road VERY SOON, UGH!
AMBR Metal Grandma Mar 12, 2003 3,824 11 38 62 New Jersey May 31, 2003 #31 I was 40 last October. Nice to see a bunch of us "old" folks here. :Spin:
Pharaoh Member Oct 16, 2002 884 1 18 68 LITITZ, PA Visit site Jun 1, 2003 #32 Russ has a birthday coming in a couple of weeks. Maybe we could get some birthday messages out to him like we did for Mike. JAX, what do you think, do you have the time to gather and send some???
Russ has a birthday coming in a couple of weeks. Maybe we could get some birthday messages out to him like we did for Mike. JAX, what do you think, do you have the time to gather and send some???
SilentRealm Member Apr 1, 2003 3,794 40 48 45 Melbourne, Australia Jun 2, 2003 #33 <==23 .. wow there's a broad range of ages here. good to see..
Julz Member May 14, 2003 231 1 18 Sydney, Australia Jun 3, 2003 #34 I just noticed no one has used the much maligned Roman numerals so I'm gonna have another bash. XXV All you 15 year old board members (XV) have a very 'timely' age. Do they still teac Roman numerals in school?
I just noticed no one has used the much maligned Roman numerals so I'm gonna have another bash. XXV All you 15 year old board members (XV) have a very 'timely' age. Do they still teac Roman numerals in school?
E ElvenShadow Guilty Gear Jul 21, 2002 338 0 16 42 Japan Visit site Jun 3, 2003 #35 im almost 21... yay
Mr. Shred-ididle Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head Jan 25, 2003 1,701 6 38 35 Jun 3, 2003 #36 Yeah, they still teach I's, X's, C's, L's, D's ect.. (Roman Numerals) That means I'm XIII
SilentRealm Member Apr 1, 2003 3,794 40 48 45 Melbourne, Australia Jun 3, 2003 #37 sorry for being off thread topic but cool 2 of us from sydney in here, what state/city are u from shreddi?
sorry for being off thread topic but cool 2 of us from sydney in here, what state/city are u from shreddi?
C ClarifyAmbiguity Member Jun 2, 2003 136 0 16 39 Philadelphia, PA / Brick, NJ, USA Jun 3, 2003 #38 18 here, been listening to SX since late '02 or early '03, so I'm still pretty new to the band.
Eramaajarvi A centipede Dec 21, 2001 3,048 3 38 36 Zgb, Croatia Visit site Jun 4, 2003 #39 Julz said: I just noticed no one has used the much maligned Roman numerals so I'm gonna have another bash. XXV All you 15 year old board members (XV) have a very 'timely' age. Do they still teac Roman numerals in school? Click to expand... I'm XV. And yes, they do teach Roman numerals here in school (here would be Croatia).
Julz said: I just noticed no one has used the much maligned Roman numerals so I'm gonna have another bash. XXV All you 15 year old board members (XV) have a very 'timely' age. Do they still teac Roman numerals in school? Click to expand... I'm XV. And yes, they do teach Roman numerals here in school (here would be Croatia).
karelrulez Member Oct 5, 2002 805 2 18 38 Netherlands Jun 4, 2003 #40 cool.. also many young fans I think that's great! I'm 16 by the way..