How old are you?

As ashamed and embarrassed as I am to admit it, I'm, :yuk: 41. :eek:

(I'm just an old geezer). Fortunately, I look considerably younger and I still have a full head of (long) hair! I still sometimes get asked for my I.D. when I go to bars and liquor stores. Can't really complain about that
I guess! :) :cool:

So I suppose I should say, "Don't think of me as old, think of me as someone who's seen a lot."
Well i'm 32, going on 13 (mentally), hey gotta think young :) and as for the popularity of SX in asia, in Japan they are well know and in Taiwan too, but right now I'm working in Malaysia and some of the guys ask me if i'm into Slipknot and I say no, but i'm into Symphony X and they don't know... SO where ever I travel I always bring some SX cd's and my T shirt to spread the gospel!
I'm 20, 21 in a month,

Bloody ell I didn't realise there was so many teenagers in here. I thought you'd all be listening to eminem(however the fuck you spell it) and watching MTV, you've yet to be found lying in a pool of puke by your parents on your bathroom floor after night on the razz.

I feel old in here, one of you young pups can fetch me my pipe and slippers beacuse I'm turining in,