how many years have you occupied this planet

Im 17 (18 in june) and ive been listning to Sym-x for bout a year, listning to metal/rock for about 3 years and punk-rock for about 5 years ( i still listen to punk-rock but no-way near a s much since bands like symp-x & Dream Theater) ivealso been playing bass for bout 2 or 3 years
Whatever happened to weenur?

I'm 21 now.

Thanks for resurrecting this thread btw. I was looking for the link to Polaris' website in Freyja's signature.
I've been 18 since September of 2007, but my psychiatrist says that I think like a person way beyond their years. Can you say reincarnation?

Listening since Symphony X for 10 months. First heard Prog last summer, but didn't get into it 'till 10 months ago.
Ready to turn 22yo in 19 days, here.

Metal in general: since 1999 (Kamelot's The Fourth Legacy yeahhh).
Symphony X: since 2002 (I think it was tDWoT).
First prog-song: Dreamwalker by Wuthering Heights (back in the day when I was CRAVING to hear some "epic" power metal, prog made its entrance... good-old AudioGalaxy, I miss you). Since then, completely hooked.

Oh and playing bass for 3 years now.